Florida Senators’ Influence on State Politics and Development


The territorial features of the state of Florida provide for a special approach not only about tourism activities but also political ones. The interests of this region of the United States in Congress are represented by two senators, and the principles of work to which they adhere largely influence the development of the state. Therefore, senators’ political activity is an integral component of regional development, which can regulate different spheres of activity.

State Description

The major cities of Florida are Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, and several others. The state is predominantly urban, and its southern location largely determines principal directions of economic development. Since there are many resort centers here, the state treasury depends mainly on recreational resources. A unique geographical location influences not only the number of tourists who spend a year here but also the features of the political system. Local people are quite far from the chief economic and legislative centers of the country, which determines their desire to be interested in all the spheres of development.

State’s Political Orientation

The political orientation of Florida depends on what interests its representatives promote at the state level. Thus, two senators who represent Florida in Congress adhere to two different political directions. According to Colburn (2013), traditionally, the influence of the Democratic Party prevailed here. Nevertheless, the increased immigration from Latin America has led to the strengthening of the Republicans’ position (Colburn, 2013). Therefore, today, the state is more inclined to this side.

Senators’ Description

Florida senators are Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio. The first one has been in office since 2000. Earlier, he was an astronaut, and after the end of his career, he began to show interest in politics, working as the governor’s assistant. He is a Democrat and a supporter of liberal measures. Mr. Rubio, on the contrary, is a Republican and adheres to the ideas of conservatism. He has worked in the civil service since the late 1990s, and initially, he was elected to the Republican Party, but later changed his views, and today, he is a supporter of contemporary authorities.

Senators’ Concept of a Legislator

The attitude of senators to their duties largely determines how the life of the state will be organized. As Rivard et al. (2016) note, both Floridian congressmen follow the delegate concept of a legislator. Such an approach to the organization of work is beneficial enough and helps them to keep abreast of all matters. If it were not for this concept, the situation in the state could probably change for the worse.

Personal Opinion Concerning the Senators’ Work

Both representatives of Florida in the US Congress do a lot of work and take an active part in the state’s life. Perhaps, some issues could be reviewed in more detail, for example, the healthcare system and, in particular, employment opportunities in this field. However, both Nelson and Rubio are quite active and regularly show interest in the needs of the state; therefore, their work as a whole deserves a positive evaluation.


Thus, the activity of Florida’s senators is an integral component of regional development. Both representatives of Congress adhere to different political trends. They have been working in the sphere of politics quite long and are well aware of various issues that people can face. Their participation in the state’s life is active enough.


Colburn, D. R. (2013). From yellow dog Democrats to red state Republicans: Florida and its politics since 1940 (2nd ed.). Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.

Rivard, A. L., Kline, A. D., Scherer, K., Bancroft, L., Deitte, L. A., & Cook, P. S. (2016). The Florida legislative fellowship experience: 7 years in the political kitchen. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 13(9), 1126-1131.

Jacobson, G. C., & Carson, J. L. (2015). The politics of congressional elections (9th ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

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StudyCorgi. "Florida Senators’ Influence on State Politics and Development." December 2, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/the-florida-legislative-congressional-senators/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Florida Senators’ Influence on State Politics and Development." December 2, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/the-florida-legislative-congressional-senators/.

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