The Food Choices Movie Analysis

The main thesis of the movie, ‘Food Choices,’ is that a plant-based diet is the most nutritious, and people should not consume animal products. In this documentary, director Michal Siewierski investigates the effects that people’s dietary choices have on their health, the health of the environment, and the lives of other creatures that live beside us. It examines several myths about nutrition and food and presents a fresh perspective on these topics. Although it will discuss the negative environmental effects of animal agriculture and animal abuse, this documentary is not only about being “vegan.” The documentary includes some gory sequences from undercover films taken on animal farms and even some clips from the dreaded and infamous Earthlings at the conclusion. The movie influenced my view on eating meat as it was tough to watch those photos of raw meat and animal carcasses. I now may consider not eating red meat at all.

Inadequate nutrition education and deceptive corporate marketing were mentioned in the film’s opening as reasons for the general lack of understanding about food and nutrition. In the talks that followed, the movie shows how food industries affect our daily lives. For example, the promotion and marketing of protein first argued that we were not receiving enough of it or that we could not obtain enough protein without ingesting animal products, as Dr. Pamela Popper, a naturopath and nutrition expert, reminds us. Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a renowned scientist who studies nutrition and health and is the author of The China Study, argues that replacing foods that truly matter in our diet with animal foods instead of plant-based meals causes us to gain weight.

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