The God’s Existence: The Cosmological Argument and Counterarguments

The cosmological argument is the viewpoint that proves the God’s existence using empirical facts. In essence, everything in the universe is moved or created by another motion, cause, or existence (Jononymous Personymous, 2021a). If a certain phenomenon can be observed, then it has to originate from another phenomenon, thus forming infinite regress. However, presuming that there is always a preceding cause is irrational; therefore, there has to be an exception, which is presumed to be God.

One of the counterarguments is that infinite regress is not irrational. The common understanding of causes is that they can always be numbered. If an archer does not shoot an arrow, it will not hit the target. However, the distance between the archer and the target can always be divided by half, which implies that the arrow should never reach the target or that it should never have a beginning (Jononymous Personymous, 2021b). However, the arrow does reach the target, which frames the numerical explanation obsolete.

This counter argument undermines the cosmological argument because there seems to be a process that always has a motion preceding it, yet it is finite. The subsequent implication is that infinite regress is rational, which implies that there is no necessity for exceptions. As the cosmological argument frames God as an exception, the absence of exceptions means the absence of God.

The consideration of the counter argument shows that two seemingly contradictory principles may coexist – the arrow simultaneously hits the target while making an infinite number of distance divisions. Therefore, there is no necessity to frame the existence of God as an exception. It is possible to argue that God exists and creates motion, while being a case of mathematical infinity at the same time.


Jononymous Personymous. (2021a). GOD DEBATE the cosmological argument for God’s existence [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Jononymous Personymous. (2021b). GOD DEBATE Counterarguments against the cosmological argument for God’s existence [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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