“The Hero’s Journey” Essay by Jessica Klein


Motherhood is the socio-psychological and biological state of a mother’s woman, arising under the influence of her physical and social relations with the child. This definition describes motherhood in scientific terms, whereas each woman can depict it differently, relying on their experience (Emecheta 3). From isolation to bustle, from fear to love – this path is unique for every mother. Even though the phenomenon is perceived in multiple ways, it surely can be claimed as a hero’s journey.


The Hero’s Journey is an essay published by Jessi Klein, a writer, actress, and comedian, in her book I’ll Show Myself Out. The paper reveals the thought of being a mother in a modern society where everyone speaks about the pros and cons of being a mother. She refers to Oprah and Joseph Campbell, stating they have the same ideas of motherhood as hers. Klein starts describing her experience by mentioning that the first three months of her son’s life lacked sleep and social interaction (Kelin 4). Sometimes it genuinely felt like a struggle since she was not able to see her social circle, recognize the baby’s needs, and merely take a nap. It presumes that the idea of motherhood is overrated when someone claims that it is a peaceful experience.

In the essay, Klein dispels the myths regarding the eternal love, comfort, and tranquility often associated with motherhood. She claims that being a mother means showing strength and courage in order to protect a child. She describes it as “the rage and shock of how completely she must annihilate herself to keep her child alive” (Klein 8). In addition, it is an everyday struggle between choosing one’s own will and the baby’s. Many people tend to romanticize this phenomenon due to the fact that they barely know about the battle real mothers face.

When one says that a mother has to love their child endlessly, it does not imply they should give up on herself. Nonetheless, women sacrifice themselves to raise a child they would be proud of. Being a mother signifies that a woman is ready to do everything for their child. She is motivated to provide all necessary resources to make her baby healthy, happy, and resilient regardless of the actions she will have to undertake. Therefore, motherhood is not solely about being caring and loving, but it is also about the expression of aggressiveness and protection by any means.

Perhaps, the greatest sign of a mother’s love is self-sacrifice. It does not sound romantic because of the real motherhood daily struggle. Yet it makes them realize why they do certain things in relation to their child. Whereas a father’s role is to establish protection of the family, a mother’s role is to sustain the state of serenity and comfort for the child. It happens naturally regardless of every little inner struggle.


In conclusion, motherhood cannot be compared to any other phenomenon. It is a unique process because there is nothing similar in a man’s world, and only women may understand one another. Klein brilliantly structures her thoughts on the idea of being a mother. This process is a true hero’s journey since it allows one to experience a range of emotions and feelings and perceive their main role in bringing up a human capable of living life to the fullest.

Works Cited

Emecheta, Bucci. The Joys of Motherhood. Penguin UK, 2022.

Klein, Jessi. “The Hero’s Journey.” I’ll Show Myself Out, HarperCollins, 2022, pp. 4-12.

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