The History of the United States in the Book “Give Me Liberty” by Eric Foner

The book “Give Me Liberty” whiten by Eric Foner can be acclaimed as one of the best textbooks on the events of American history along with the country’s pathway to liberation existing in the current period of time. Within the book the audience will find a logical and coherent argument written in a chronological order and leading the reader through the main events of the history of the United States. Eric Foner, the book’s author is a well-known American historian who works on the faculty of the Department of History at Columbia University. Generally, the book can be evaluated as a fine piece on history of the United States providing sustainable data and an interesting layout.

Discussing the conflicts addressed in the book under consideration, it should be stated that they are addressed in a way easy for understanding and evaluating their results for the future of the country. Through the pages of the book it becomes clear that certain conflicts were hardly to be avoided and were also critical for changing some mistaken practices and unfair orders within the country and the principles of its organization. In addition, the book presents a thorough research on the way these conflicts involved all the social layers of the American society and how they affected it. There is also a significant piece of information on the economical background of these conflicts. The author presents a well-developed argument on how exactly economic matters were involved into the process of the country’s liberation and democratization.

With regards to the author’s style, it should be said that it is rather interesting and easy for comprehension and perception. The strengths of his style in its simplicity and the ability to make every reader interested and involved into a conversation. The book is developed in a single narrative voice which is so convenient for its understanding. Such welcoming and easy for comprehension narrative style gives a feeling that you are having a friendly conversation with some wise person rather than studying a difficult material on serious historical matters.

Reflecting on the information related by Foner in his book, I would say that it is well structured and easy to accept. The book can be read really fast, and provides its audience with considerable facts and numerous interesting details. I especially enjoyed the parts relating the events of the American Revolution. The primary purpose of this book seems to make young Americans interested in their history and its heroes, to inspire them with the facts from the country’s challenging way to liberty and to raise a spirit of patriotism within their hearts, minds and souls.

In conclusion, the book “Give Me Liberty” written by Eric Foner can be described as successful and efficient work on the history of the United States which fully accomplishes its goal to inspire young Americans to love their country and to be real patriots. The book features a simple for understanding, logical, coherent and chronologically organized argument which makes it really convenient for understanding of its ideas. Reading this book has gotten me into thinking about the great history of our country, and to value the contribution which is made by our brave and heroic ancestors in order to provide us with all these inspiring opportunities presented in the country of liberty and democracy.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 9). The History of the United States in the Book “Give Me Liberty” by Eric Foner.

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StudyCorgi. "The History of the United States in the Book “Give Me Liberty” by Eric Foner." January 9, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "The History of the United States in the Book “Give Me Liberty” by Eric Foner." January 9, 2022.

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