The “I Never Knew I Had a Choice” Book by Corey

The book “I never knew I had a choice” is a book that aims to teach individuals that they can take charge of their lives. It starts by explaining that we have a choice regarding our lives. Our options can break or destroy us, and everyone is responsible for their happiness. With making choices, comes change, and only a person can decide the amount of change that is good for them. The choices made can either bring positive or negative impacts. The book uses the humanistic approach to self-actualization. Self-actualization is working towards our potential without caring what others think.

The early development stages are crucial since they influence the choice made at a later stage in someone’s life. The adult personality is due to those choices made during these early stages. Although the early development traumas determine many things in the later stage, it does not mean that these experiences determine the person. Individuals can choose to grow out of them and use the occasion to their advantage (Corey & Corey, 2013). Learning from the experiences of early development can help in self-growth. Adulthood is an endeavor that comes on with different tasks. It involves looking back at the choices and decisions made during the early stages. Every phase of a person’s life is filled with events that affect our future.

During development, a person starts to think of their physical, emotional, and psychological wellness. A person begins to get concerned with their bodily look; that is how their attitude towards self-love starts (Corey & Corey, 2013). Positive attitudes toward one’s life help shape many things like self-esteem or how one handles stress. The book pointed out that we cannot eliminate stress but can manage it by changing our attitude. The further writer shares all aspects one faces from the early stages of life up to death. He aims to help individuals find the meaning and purpose of life, which leads to personal growth.

The book can help one learn the values and goals one hopes to achieve in the military. One can set goals to be accomplished during the missions. Those missions have to make hard choices, and they may impact one’s life. Therefore, past mistakes should not bring us down in the future. Being in the military can bring a lot of traumas that can lead to stress, anxiety, and isolation from people. These traumatic events can lead to people being diagnosed with posttraumatic disorders (PTSD) (Corey & Corey, 2013). We learn a lot of ways of handling stress and moving on with life after the traumas. Although not everyone gets concussions, those not affected should reach out to their colleagues.

Death is another thing that happens during missions; no one controls it. Therefore, one has to live without the fear of dying but rather live to the fullest. There are various stages of grief and how to cope with them. Although our military colleagues might die in the line of duty, that means it is the end of their relationship with them. We have to make their memories alive with their family members. Much is learned from the book regarding making choices in our daily lives. Some of those choices may be hard but are essential to our growth. We must enjoy every bit of our lives and strive to live in harmony with everyone. We must embrace our diversity and set aside our differences to make this world better.


Corey, G., & Corey, M. S. (2013). I never knew I had a choice: Explorations in personal growth. Cengage Learning.

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