The Idea of Leisure From Philosophical Perspectives


People typically have more freedom to pursue their interests during their leisure time. When discussed from various philosophical perspectives, the idea of leisure takes on several diverse forms. The Greek philosophers Aristotle and Epicurus each offer distinctive interpretations of the term “leisure,” with Aristotle focusing more on the advantageous aspects of the idea while Epicurus focused on the opposite. Leisure activities differ from culture to culture, making them have different definitions.

Definition of Leisure

Depending on the context and circumstances, the concept of leisure can be understood in various ways. A considerable number of people believe that the term refers to the time spent away from work with friends or family members. For many people without formal or informal employment, it refers to the unstructured time in which they can pursue whatever interests them without having to account for their actions to anyone but themselves. It is for this reason that people utilize their free time by engaging in activities that are personally fulfilling to them.

One of the defining characteristics of leisure is that it is delightful and should be relished to the utmost extent without any limitations. Free-time activities are characterized by an element of spontaneity, in which the individual acts freely according to their desires. Another characteristic of leisure is using simple tools and equipment while striving to have fun (Kuykendall et al., 2018). Since each individual chooses how to spend their free time, leisure activities should be left to the discretion of the individual and self-regulated. The final argument is that leisure time is simple, and individuals must be adaptive concerning the activities they pick. In various societies, sociocultural factors such as age, gender, religion, and ethnicity influence how leisure time is spent.

Benefits of Leisure

Simply for its pleasure, leisure instills in us a feeling of significance and value in life. Participation in leisure activities enables the development of skills that apply to a specific activity and other aspects of life. Fun is beneficial to both one’s independence and growth. Individuals who participate in leisure activities gain a sense of competence due to the ability to make their own decisions. Through leisure activities, we can discover who we truly are and what we are capable of becoming, unencumbered by the opinions and expectations of others. Participating in fun activities will positively affect a person’s self-perception. Taking a break allows one to review their priorities and choose which activities are genuinely meaningful.

Value of Leisure in Today’s Society

People are so preoccupied with the routines of their everyday lives because of the pressure they feel to provide for themselves and their families. As a consequence of the procedure, they eventually develop symptoms of anxiety and depression. The worst-case scenario for these people is facing mental and physical challenges (Kuykendall et al., 2018). However, participating in leisure activities can improve an individual’s health because these activities stimulate the mind by providing a pleasurable moment for the individual. Participating in leisure activities typically results in increased social interaction between individuals, which is helpful to the operation of society as a whole. Consequently, sufficient space is available for community members to coexist in tranquility.

Promoting Leisure in the Workplace

At every given place of employment, members are required to participate in leisure activities because these activities enhance members’ capacity to collaborate effectively. For any organization to succeed and achieve the outcomes that its members want, the members of that organization’s staff need to get along with one another. When the personnel gets together to organize activities to participate in during their free time, they not only converse with one another but also get a deeper understanding of one another in the process (Kuykendall et al., 2018). It ensures that they appreciate the efforts and roles played by each organization member when they are carrying out their tasks at work.

Participating in leisure activities allows them to concentrate on their health and avoid the stress that may be building up due to the difficult responsibilities they are expected to complete at their place of employment. Individuals can take a break from their daily routines, which can sometimes lead to monotony and boredom due to the repetitive nature of the routines. As a leisure professional, encouraging people to participate in leisure activities while at work for the reasons stated above is paramount. The organization would be able to increase its overall productivity because the health and happiness of its employees would be prioritized through the promotion of harmonious working relationships among staff members.

Impacts of Leisure on the Overall “Quality of Life” of a Given Community

The ability of an individual to interact more effectively with other people in their community is enhanced when they engage in recreational activities that are beneficial to their overall health. It guarantees that the individual will experience growth on both a personal and social level. They develop a greater sense of self-assurance, leading to the formation of a society in which members can appreciate not only themselves but also the qualities others possess (Kuykendall et al., 2018). It results in a healthy society free from mental challenges such as depression and stress because its members can free their minds while participating in leisure activities.

One more significant effect of leisure is its contribution to the economy’s growth in a given society. Leisure activities generate employment opportunities since a variety of people can pursue careers in recreational fields as instructors. Community members have the opportunity to pursue various careers, including those in the hospitality industry as tour guides or spa attendants and the management of sports complexes. Due to this, the members can earn an income and improve their welfare, ultimately leading to economic growth.


The health and happiness of the organization’s employees would be prioritized by promoting harmonious working relationships. The ability of an individual to interact more effectively with other people in their community is enhanced when they engage in recreational activities that are beneficial to their overall health. Leisure activities generate employment opportunities since a variety of people can pursue careers in recreational fields, ultimately leading to economic growth.


Kuykendall, L., Boemerman, L., & Zhu, Z. (2018). The importance of leisure for subjective well-being. Handbook of well-being. Salt Lake City, UT: DEF Publishers.

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