The Immune System Types and Functions

It is rather important for the human body to defend itself from various infections and bacteria. The immune system exists specifically for this purpose, incorporating innate and adaptive immunity and other features. These two types of immunity represent the main arms of the system. One of the ways with the help of which the immune system can be boosted is vaccination. Some of its modern features involve providing a long-term response for immunity and activating both humoral and cell-mediated immunity (Anderson et al., 2020). Humoral immunity uses antibodies and B cells to respond to foreign bodies and other foreign cells (NewsMedical, 2022). To produce said anti-bodies, B cell lymphocytes are involved in the process after discovering an unusual antigen. This process is rather valuable, as it forms long-term immunological memory.

Cell-mediated immunity, on the other hand, is quite different in that regard. This kind of process is usually triggered by viral or bacterial infections. Instead of antibodies, it uses T cells, cytokines and macrophages to respond to a foreign cell or bacteria (NewsMedical, 2022). Humoral immunity, however, can be both helpful and harmful, as it may either decrease immunological tolerance or defend the host from certain conditions.

Besides the aforementioned differences, humoral and cell-mediated responses have some similarities. Both help the human body combat dangerous foreign particles, such as bacteria and viruses. They are rather dependent on the functions of the lymphoid cells (NewsMedical, 2022). Moreover, it is rather crucial to mention that these two responses represent the adaptive part of the immunity system. Some aspects of the two are yet to be researched in the future.

Adaptive immunity is an acquired branch of the immune system that is developed during one’s lifetime. It can be developed both naturally and with the help of vaccination (Technology Networks, 2020). The latter may help improving the work of both cell-mediated and humoral responses, making the healing process more effective. The adaptive response of the immunity is significantly slower; however, it helps the body memorize the dangerous agent.

Innate immunity, on the other hand, is something one is born with. It is engraved in ones genes and helps ensure lifelong defense. This kind of immunity responds rapidly and does not have different reactions depending on a certain intruder. Moreover, it involves physical and chemical barriers that represent the first means of defense, with chemical ones being the second. Thus, although it is rapid, innate immunity is quite primitive.


Anderson, R. P., Young, L., & Finer, K. R. (2020). Visualizing microbiology. John Wiley & Sons.

NewsMedical. (2022). Humoral vs cell-mediated immunity.

Technology Networks. (2020). Innate vs adaptive immunity.

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