The Impact of Communication on Human Relations

The need for communication, interaction, and mutual assistance did not arise by chance. A person faced problems that prompted him to unite with other people in order to overcome an obstacle together, to overcome a difficulty that is beyond the power of one person. Communication is one of the primary conditions for the existence of human society and the individual. Relationships in modern society exist in various forms, but the most important of them is social communication, which allows human relationships to be formed.

Communication is a way of interaction between people, creating contact in joint activities and behavior. By communicating, people engage in socially valuable activities, unite in communities, and educate the younger generation (Kellerman, 2021). In the process of communication, a person is socialized, introduced to society’s spiritual life, and his spiritual and cultural needs are formed. To be able to exchange information, share experiences, give advice, or talk and express your nature, is the most necessary thing for every person.

The needs of modern society and its spiritual and material spheres make the problem of communication extremely relevant. Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development, and the construction of reasonable, cultural behavior (Schwartz et al., 2020). Through contact with psychologically developed people, thanks to the vast opportunities for learning, a person acquires all his highest productive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he turns into a character.

Emerging relationships of subjects of social interaction are manifested in human relations. They experience these relationships under the signs of positive and negative assessments. That is transformed into diverse human relations, subjective in origin but repeatedly conditioned by their social expediency, fixed in macrostructural institutions of social interaction, where community interests begin to dominate (Schwartz et al., 2020). In turn, these interests are reflected in the way of life of groups and the ideology of large groups of people in the organizational and managerial structures of public interaction. As a result, a particularly positive or negative atmosphere of human relations arises, which, on the one hand, becomes a dominant factor in each person’s life.

Socio-psychological relationships arise in interpersonal and group contact in the form of the psychological content of group experiences that occur according to the psychological laws of communication and the laws of the communal life of people. Individuals enter into communication where they enter into any relationship; relationships and communication are inseparable. Communication is the actual being of the relationship into which individuals have entered (Relationships and Communication 2022). Through communication, their social relation appears as social and human, that is, conscious. Therefore, communication is the outer side of human relations, their present side (Relationships and Communication 2022). Personal relationships of individuals become real primarily in verbal communication. Communication is often understood as a private (usually friendly) relationship. Since communication makes human relations a reality, we can conclude that communication is the emerging side of human relations.

Thus, in modern studies, communication is often considered an external phenomenon of relationships as a process of implementation and a way of manifestation. At the same time, attempts were usually made to expand this concept, for example, towards developing the individual’s personality as a result of establishing relationships through communication with others. Nevertheless, it is impossible to deny that communication is information and subject interaction, during which interpersonal relationships are realized, manifested, and formed.


Kellerman, A. (2021). Social-spatial interaction, proximity, and distance: From face-to-face to Virtual Communications. Applied Mobilities, 1–19.

Relationships and communication. Better Health Channel. (2022). Web.

Schwartz, S. J., Szabó, Á., Meca, A., Ward, C., Martinez, C. R., Cobb, C. L., Benet-Martínez, V., Unger, J. B., & Pantea, N. (2020). The convergence between Cultural Psychology and Developmental Science: Acculturation as an exemplar. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

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