The Impact of Culture on Intercultural Communication and Workplace

The Influence of Definitions of Culture on People’s Perspective on Intercultural Communication

Definitions of culture can influence people’s perspectives on intercultural communication by shaping their understanding of what culture is and how it influences communication. For example, if someone defines culture as primarily consisting of tangible aspects like food, clothing, and language, they may focus more on these aspects when interacting with people from other cultures. On the other hand, if someone defines culture as a complex system of shared beliefs, values, and norms, they may be more attuned to the underlying cultural influences on communication.

The Influence of the Values of a Cultural Group Communication with Members of Other Cultural Groups

The values of a cultural group heavily influence communication with members of other cultural groups. Values, deeply held beliefs about what is essential and desirable, shape how individuals within a culture perceive and interpret the world (Baldwin et al., 2023). These values can affect various aspects of communication, such as the importance placed on directness, respect for authority, or individualism versus collectivism.

Reflecting on a Cultural Group from Personal Experience: Norms and Communication Influences


As an example, one should consider the workplace culture in a software development company. Some of the norms in this group include punctuality, collaboration, informality, and technical expertise. Thus, arriving on time for meetings and deadlines is highly valued. Tardiness may be seen as disrespectful or a sign of a lack of commitment.

Furthermore, teamwork and collaboration are highly encouraged. Individuals are expected to communicate openly, share ideas, and work together to solve problems. The workplace may have a more relaxed and informal atmosphere. Communication can be casual, with the use of first names and informal language, fostering a sense of camaraderie. In this culture, technical knowledge and expertise are highly valued. Individuals with advanced technical skills may have more influence over communication and decision-making within the group.

Communication Influences

Other members of the group influence the group’s communication in various ways. For example, leaders within the group, such as managers or experienced team members, play a significant role in setting the norms for communication. Their communication style and behavior can influence how others interact and communicate within the group.

Moreover, colleagues and team members also impact communication norms. For instance, if the majority of team members prefer using specific communication tools or platforms, others may be influenced to adopt those preferences. Finally, new members joining the group socialize with the existing communication norms. They observe and learn from established members, adapting their communication style to fit within the group’s expectations.


Baldwin, J. R., González, A., Brock, N., Xie, M., & Chao, C. C. (2023). Intercultural communication for everyday life. John Wiley & Sons.

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