The relevance of self-disclosure in relationships cannot be overstated. Depending on its application, it has the potential to either strengthen or destroy relationships. This essay will describe a romantic relationship where self-disclosure damaged the dyad. This couple, we need to call them Mark and Lisa, was in a relationship where Mark’s level of self-disclosure was overwhelming and inappropriate for the level of intimacy they shared.
Dangers of Self-Disclosure at the Beginning of a Romantic Relationship
In the early stages of their relationship, Mark revealed personal information that was too deep and intimate for a budding relationship. This is a violation of the guideline that suggests moving gradually to deeper levels of self-disclosure. For example, on their second date, Mark shared his past experiences with substance abuse and the negative impacts it had on his life. This level of disclosure was too much for Lisa, who was expecting to share and receive lighter, surface-level information at this stage. She felt uncomfortable and overwhelmed, indicating that Mark’s self-disclosure exceeded her expectations.
Additionally, Mark continued to disclose personal information even when Lisa did not reciprocate. This violates the guideline that suggests continuing self-disclosure only if it is reciprocated. Even after Lisa expressed her discomfort, Mark’s continuous disclosure of personal and intimate information showed a disregard for Lisa’s feelings. She felt he was not respecting her boundaries, which ultimately led to the dissolution of their relationship.
Mark’s behavior is an example of how too much self-disclosure can damage a relationship (Li et al. 114-118). His failure to follow the disclosure guidelines led to the termination of his relationship with Lisa. He did not disclose the kind of information he wanted Lisa to disclose to him, and he did not consider whether sharing such intimate information would represent an acceptable risk. His lack of gradual disclosure and disregard for reciprocation ultimately resulted in a breached trust, causing Lisa to feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed, leading to the end of their relationship.
In conclusion, self-disclosure is a crucial aspect of any relationship. However, as in Mark and Lisa’s case, its misuse or overuse can lead to damaging outcomes. Therefore, adhering to disclosure guidelines is vital for maintaining healthy and enduring relationships.
Work Cited
Li, Pengxiang, et al. “Unpacking the Process of Privacy Management and Self-Disclosure from the Perspectives of Regulatory Focus and Privacy Calculus.” Telematics and Informatics, vol. 41, 2019, pp. 114-125.