The Impact of Globalization on Immigration Control


There exist an overwhelming connection between globalization and immigration. Within the recent past years, there have been numerous studies attempting to exhaust the connections between the two subjects. These researches indicated extensive effects of globalization on Immigration control. In fact, it is noted that globalization is one of the primary contributors of international immigration.

The movement against SB1070 in Arizona (US)

Early this year (2010), thousands of Arizona residents, took their humiliations to the streets following the introduction of the SB 1070 immigration law. The bill was approved, and therefore, enacted as an act by the Arizona senator. It is noted that the act strategically spearheaded for the criminalization of the unlawful settlers. The SB 1070 granted any officer all the legal right to apprehend any person “suspected” to be an illegitimate settler. Furthermore, the enacted bill concentrated on the deportation of illegal immigrants, instead of fighting against persons who hire them. Finally, it is also noted that the bill could make Arizona a “police state” thus creating a dire connection between officers and immigrants.

Many Arizonians including some eminent persons referred the act to be misguided and erroneous since it encouraged racism and other unethical acts. Numerous activists have risen to the occasion by filing a court petition, in the attempt to reverse or moderate the act. Thousands of Arizonians including activists, singers and prominent persons were seen in the streets, protesting against the established laws. Fortunately, their efforts were rewarded by Bolton, a federal district judge, who granted an injunction in favour of the Arizonians. The injunction cancelled out some of the contentious clauses in the SB 1070 law.

Movement in Paris against CESEDA

Early in 2006, thousands of Paris residents demonstrated against a controversial immigration bill. The bill directly attacked the French immigrants irrespective of their legitimacy in the country. Approximately 600 immigrant associations, numerous political parties (LO and LCR), and other eminent persons joined the fight against the immigration bill (CESEDA). A suit was filed by the opposing parties, in the attempt to nullify the process of forming CESEDA. The filed petition only targeted CESEDA and not the already existing immigrant laws. Sources indicated that the passage of CESEDA into law would mean deportations of French immigrants. Moreover, CESEDA would also expose French immigrants to bullying and harassment by other persons. In fact, its passage would automatically place immigrants at an exploitable position, especially by employers.

Impact of globalization on immigration control

Globalization complicates immigration control. It advocates for a free-market system, whereby people and commodities move unrestrictedly. These movements are often motivated by the push and pull economic factors such as poverty and job or business opportunities respectively. Due to these factors, many individuals cross their borders thus complicating the efforts of controlling immigration, by the host countries. For instance, in the United States, whereby Mexicans and Canadians cross borders thus entering and residing in Arizona, California and Texas. Such a massive influx of immigrants also complicates the effort of developing and adopting new laws that may considerably contain massive immigration. For instance, the adoption of SB 1070 was avidly rejected, due to its faultiness that it could sparkle and fuel racism.

Immigration problems caused by globalization

There are several immigration problems caused by globalization. The United States, for instance, admits approximately 1 million immigrants every year (late 90’s) thus extensively suffers from immigration problems. In economical term, US experience adverse effects, by being host to many immigrants. The country incurs extra costs in sustaining the rapidly growing population caused by massive immigration. Additionally, immigrants secure several jobs in the host country thus reducing employment opportunities to the country’s citizens. This complicates a countries effort of providing abundant job opportunities, to its citizens.

Globalization extensively contributes to the tremendous increase of feminine migrants. The economical interdependence among global countries encourages feminization of migration. Women are attracted by certain pulling economical factors from other countries; for instance, excellent business environment, and abundant lucrative job opportunities. This is also due to the current increased involvement of women in businesses and the world of professional careers.

Immigrant’s countries of origin experience several complications as a result of globalization. These countries lose their energetic human labor thus reducing the productivity of the country. This is mostly observed in developing countries, where the countries have limited opportunities.

How globalization facilitates movement of people

Globalization terrifically facilitates the movement of people around the globe. The world is integrating socially, economically, technologically and culturally due to globalization thus easing the movement of individuals. The spread of technology and technological products, facilitate speedy movement of people across borders thus increased immigrations. For instance, the spread of aero technology across the globe facilitate speedy movement of people and commodities. The introduction of international trade and international financial markets encourages the movement of the movement of people across international borders. This is especially to the business men and women who intend to increase their profits and diversify their investments. Additionally, some international trade agreements authorize for the free movement of people and goods across borders thus tremendously increasing immigration.

US Immigration policies and their problems

Currently, it is approximated that over 20 million illegal Mexicans, resides in the United States; however, these are not the total immigrants, since it also receive immigrants from countries like Kenya, England, Canada, and china. In the effort to curb the situation, US developed several policies and strategic measures that help in controlling the situation. However, it is noted that some of the policies introduced are faulty and could pose other sensitive implications. The introduction of Arizona SB 1070 law, for instance, may increase the level of racism within the state.

Many states in US, which includes Arizona, have employed the policy of tightening security within their borders. However, this policy is not effective, since most of the borders are subjected into unethical acts of corruption. Sources indicate that, the border patrol officers receive huge chunks of bribes, in return of illegal shipment of immigrants and commodities. This is extremely shameful, since the persons expected to arrest the criminals, are the same individuals involved in the illegal act of trafficking goods and immigrants. US also adopted the policy of Imposing harsh punishment (no amnesty), any persons found guilty of these illegal activities.

France receives several immigrants from different countries around the globe. Millions of Immigrants from china, Algeria, and other Arabic countries converge in France as a result of globalization. This forced France to developed several policies in an attempt to moderate the inflow of illegal immigrants. For instance, in 2005, Boutih proposed the quota policy, which targeted at controlling the influx immigrants in France. The policy was to propose the precise number of immigrants that were to enter the country, in each and every year.

Moreover, the policy only allowed immigrants from certain countries, which had an outstanding association with France. However, this could create some negative implication to France; for instance, countries that are not considered in the policy will feel rejected and neglected by France. Another policy adopted by France is the tightening of border securities by deploying extra patrol at different border location. Harsh punishment to persons found trafficking immigrants and goods was also adopted by the France government. For instance, persons found guilty were subjected to long serving sentences, up to a maximum of 15 years in prison depending on the extent of the offence.


Globalization is one of the key factors that influence immigration. The effects are extensive to the extent of complicating the efforts of controlling immigration. This can be observed in various countries, which include France and the United States. Globalization encourages immigration, which eventually promotes several disreputable activities. Several governments have developed several policies to curb the situation; although, they end up being unsuccessful following due to ineffectiveness of their policies.

List of References

Barry, T 2010, legal immigrants’ next targets of anti-immigration groups, Center for international policy. Web.

Borjas, G 2000, Issues in the economics of migration, University of Chicago, Chicago, pp. 1-5.

CBSNEWS, 2010, Arizona Immigration Law Faces New Legal Fight, CBSNEWS. Web.

Dobbs, L 2010, U.S. policy on immigration is a tragic joke, the Arizona republic. Web.

Juppe, A 2000, France and globalization, Carnegie council. Web.

Lerougetel, A 2006, France: Thousands march in Paris against immigration bill. Web.

Naujoks, D 2010, France: Selective Immigration, Brain Drain, Immigration Law, Point system, Migration recht net. Web.

Schaub, T 2008, the problems of immigration and assimilation in a multicultural society, GRIN Verlag, Norderstedt, pp. 7.

The American legion, 2008, A Strategy to Address Illegal Immigration in the United States, the American legion. Web.

Watts, J 2002, Immigration policy and the challenge of globalization: unions and employers in unlikely alliance, Cornell University press, New York, Pp.1-16.

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