Impact of Terrorism on Walmart’s Global Supply Chain


Terrorism has been rising all over the world for the last couple of decades. Almost every day in the news terrorism activities is reported somewhere in the world either locally or internationally which have been planned by local or international terrorist groups. Terrorists normally attack tactical places which will attract the attention of many people and authorities. These places include crowded buildings, airports, shopping malls, train stations, bus stations, and so on. This paper will focus on the effects of terrorism on global logistics on Wal-Mart.

Operational Threats

Wal-Mart stores inc. is a multinational corporation based in the United State which runs a chain of discount shops in the country and also internationally (Zimmerman, 2010). Wal-Mart is found in 15 different countries in the world and the year 2010, it was rated as the number one revenue earner in the United States. Because of its presence in many countries and its profitability, Wal-Mart has been a major target from local and international terrorists for a long time now. Wal-Mart has got a lot of different operations which range from discount shops, supercentres, neighborhood markets, market side, and Sam’s pub. Many people, therefore, visit these stores.

Wal-Mart has been receiving terrorist threats in the course of its operations. It has received threats through calls and messages where either the store is the target or an individual who visits the shop frequently. In 2009 for example a couple of Wal-Mart stores received a text message that three women will be shot at the stores as part of a local gang initiation process (Yahoo Answers, 2009). These messages raise unrest for the people who frequently visit the stores. In Alabama, a man was jailed after he was found guilty of making threat calls to a local wall mart supercenter which amounted to class c terrorism charges. After investigations, phone records gave the home address of the suspect where he confessed to his acts. There have also been occasions where terrorists overtook Wal-Mart stores, robbed the people inside, and took all the money from the cashier. Most of these attacks are conducted by gangs who are armed and dangerous. Other attacks have occurred in the parking lot where people have been taken hostage for several different reasons.

Mitigation Measures

As has been seen most of the terrorist attacks and threats around wall mart are mainly from local gangs (, 2010). Wal-Mart, therefore, came up with several strategies and mitigation measures to curb this problem to restore and maintain the confidence of their customers who visit the stores. First of all, they have partnered up with homeland security and local law police to fight terrorism. In the agreement which they signed, people are supposed to inform the workers at the store about any irregular activities they have seen or a suspicious person they have spotted. The workers in turn inform the local authorities about the problem who responds very fast to the matter. Wal-Mart has also put up security cameras and digital monitors which have improved the surveillance of the store and spot people who seem to be suspicious or are acting peculiarly. There are also regular patrols around Wal-Mart stores by local police and security personnel who ensure that safety is maintained within and around the premises.

References (2010). Homeland Security taps new partner in terror fight: Wal-Mart. Web.

Yahoo Answers. (2009). Walmart Text Threats: Gang initiation planning to shoot 3 women. Yahoo. Web.

Zimmerman, A. (2010). Rival Chains Secretly Open Opposition to Wal-Mart. The Wall Street Journal, 4 (1), 13-15.

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