The Impact of Workplace Diversity on Organizations

The article selected in the discussion is “The impact of workplace diversity on organizations,” written by Priscilla Dike. It is centred on workplace diversity by exploring how companies manage diversity and examining the consequences of diversity on organizations. Additionally, the article explores the challenges associated with companies that employ diverse cultural personnel. The paper discusses five Finland and Ghanaian companies as subjects to understand the influence of workplace diversity on organizational success by assessing the pluses and minuses of managing a diverse workforce (Dike, 2013). The article focuses on tools for managing workplace diversity, given the diversity field’s wide range of human attributes.

The author uses qualitative research methods in data gathering and analysis. Workplace diversity plays an integral role in the success of companies, according to the findings from interviews. However, inadequate guidance ad mentoring could result in low productivity (Dike, 2013). Therefore, effective management measures for the workforce should constantly evolve with the changing world. Despite the potential for success that comes with diversity, it is integral to be watchful of elements like differential treatment that could potentially hinder company success. Large organizations view workforce diversification as a norm and continuously work toward enhancing their management, unlike small companies that view it as a burden given their failures to manage diversity (Dike, 2013) effectively. Lastly, the author suggests that companies adopt cultural mentoring as an orientation approach for employees and managers to cope with their responsibilities and working environment.

The article sheds light on the week’s reading on building a diverse workforce and informs on some of the decisions managers should make. For example, it provides the factors that should be considered in adopting a diverse workforce. The company’s location, type, and culture significantly determine the kind of workforce adopted. The uniqueness of companies tailors the diversity decisions of the company to the norms and beliefs that reflect on the company (Dike, 2013). Furthermore, the type of company influences the decision-making process of having a diverse workforce. Similarly, widespread companies such as manufacturing plants exercise more diversity as they are situated in the world’s various cultures.

Moreover, the paper offers insight into approaches for managers that aim to build a diverse workforce. For instance, managers and employees are urged to adopt cultural mentoring to position themselves on coping with their responsibilities and working environment. Mentors offer job-related and personal counselling, suggestions and opinions on company directions and help boost self-confidence in employees and managers (Dike, 2013). These benefits are derived from mentors who lead the way for organization employees.

Additionally, Dike presents the reasons why organizations need to manage diversity. Understanding the reason for advocating diversity in organizations is essential as it helps prepare future generations for real-world scenarios. Dike proposes three significant reasons for diversity management; the range of consumer needs, talent shortage and globalization (Dike, 2013). Managing diversity helps negate absenteeism and reduce unwelcome turnover. The talent shortages have pushed organizations to find ways to retain, attract, motivate and utilize their personnel for competitiveness in their industries. Also, employers gain from recruiting personnel who speak the prevalent language in communities where other languages predominate.

However, there is a lack of knowledge on the management of workplace diversity. Therefore, organizations should sponsor annual conferences and workshops and institute regular internal emails on awareness. Additionally, managers should create better communication channels with their employees and be ready to change to work effectively. Companies need to constantly devise means of effectively managing their diverse workforce by enacting managers with a positive and proper perception of the implementation of employee diversity.


Dike, P. (2013). The impact of workplace diversity on organizations. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "The Impact of Workplace Diversity on Organizations." December 4, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "The Impact of Workplace Diversity on Organizations." December 4, 2023.

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