The Importance of the Creativity


It can be safe to say that creativity is a person’s ability to generate unique thoughts or products when utilizing their experience. Neurons across the brain begin locomoting more actively, allowing the person in question to devise solutions they have only imagined before. Creativity is a fundamental concept that has to be reckoned with, especially when a person’s job depends on how inventively they use their brain.


I think that the biggest predictor of creativity for me is curiosity. I love exploring the world around me to collect information and then use it when I have to look at certain situations from a different angle. Thus, I read books, stay positive, and spend time outside to channel my inner energy and see how I can improve the current state of affairs. The biggest opportunity to apply creativity to education is to have educators exploit their freedom of choice. For example, teachers could capitalize on audio-visually-rich presentations and engage students in various games to explain new terms. In a sense, creativity is required because educators have to understand how to build connections between their ideas and students’ capabilities. Digitalized classrooms represent a perfect example of how a professor could turn into a one-man army and deploy teaching methods that could have been deemed ineffective even a decade ago. A uniquely designed classroom is another example of creativity being applied to education. Some tutors could get rid of tables and chairs and use carpets, pillows, and blankets to organize the workspace.


In conclusion, it may take a visionary educator to devise the best approach to setting up the classroom and deciding what kind of technology could help students learn faster.

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