The Importance of the Mission Statement for an Organization

The mission statement is essential for building the organizational activities of companies. The importance lies in the fact that the mission understands how the company’s strategy is made, who the target audience is, and what products it sells. According to this mission statement, it is necessary to solve current problems in the existing global market (Hull, 2013). To some extent, the company’s mission can probably solve the current issues of the worldwide market, but not all.

There are four questions that the company’s mission should answer. When asked what we do, the company’s mission is to provide products for personal computers. The next question is how we do it, to which the mission indirectly responds that the products are the best; that is, it is done in the best way. The company’s mission answers the question of whom we do this for students, teachers, designers, scientists, engineers, business people, and various consumers. The last question is the question of the value that the company can bring, which the mission does not answer.

Apple’s mission can be rated at only three stars out of 5. This mission has several shortcomings that do not allow it to get a total five-point rating. Such deficiencies include a vague formulation of what precisely the company is doing. The mission says that the company is engaged in producing products for personal computers. This is not entirely accurate because the company makes other products that may be more interesting to people. In addition, the company’s mission does not answer the question of the value it brings to people. By adding this element to the task, it can attract more consumers and customers. The new mission statement may sound as follows: We are a major manufacturer of gadgets for home and work, for students, teachers, scientists, businessmen, and consumers who are interested in purchasing high-quality products for high achievements.


Hull, P. (2013). Answer 4 questions to get a great mission statement. Forbes.

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