The Interpersonal Between Co-workers and Its Resolution

The interpersonal conflict that I have chosen for this post is between my two co-workers and me. I will call the first co-worker A and the second one B. The situation is that co-worker B found out that I and co-worker A got rewarded for the project we had completed. We did not tell about it our peer B as we did not want to upset him. Yet, the news spread quickly, and soon all our colleagues knew that we had received an award. Afterward, B started to take offense, angrily showing his emotions and using unexpecting expressions towards me and co-worker A. The situation was extremely unpleasant because I could not understand the reasons for the anger towards us for our work well done. Thus, from this moment, we did not communicate with co-worker B at all. Due to this assignment and my desire to resolve the conflict, I gathered co-workers at the café to have a team-building meeting after work.

Consequently, I asked co-worker B about his reasons for inappropriate conduct. Moreover, I also explained to him that I and co-worker A put a lot of effort into the project, and the award was well-deserved. It turned out that employee B was experiencing difficulties in his personal life and had signs of anxiety. The fact that we did not share the news with him made him even more upset. As a result of our conversation, he sincerely apologized for the misunderstanding. We decided to have more frequent team-building meetings in a one-month trial to see if they would facilitate our workflow.

Previously I did not face such conflicts as I am pretty friendly. It was the first time when someone was offended because I did not want them to be upset. The problem-solving session between both sides was unusual for me since I ignored the conflict once I faced it. The trial’s outcome was positive as we went to team-building meetings and now communicate with no tension during the work. If I had used my usual problem-solving, my relationship with co-worker B would end badly, and we probably would not communicate at all. A no-lose strategy is an effective way of choosing solutions to solve an interpersonal conflict. I may also apply this for the issues with my siblings and neighbors as we often argue due to misunderstandings, for instance, gossiping or judging each other. To conclude, regarding the win-win method, profound communication is the key to adequately resolving problems.

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