Slavery, States’ Rights, and Secession: Historical Impact

Slavery and the state’s rights have been an issue in certain states in the U.S. this has raised concerns of various institutions and organizations within the states in question. This paper seeks to find out whether the issue of slavery and the state’s rights were important in the secession process and the role of the northern abolition movement. The paper also attempts to clarify whether the Ordinance of Secession justified the institution of slavery.

The issue of slavery or states’ rights was actually a more important concept to the secession process. However, the two issues somehow were viewed as the same thing in the end. In Georgia, the Federal Government had their hands directly committed to the policy, rise, and progress of the anti-slavery organizations. There were even anti-slavery parties formed to address the slavery issue. For instance, the Republican party of Lincoln was formed to fight slavery in the country.

This party attracted the scattered advocates of the political heresies, advocates of protection, the advocates of the political economy and those of commercial restriction, those advocates of corruption and waste in the government administration and special privileges were also attracted to the party by its creed nature. The sole purpose and mission of the party being anti-slavery, it was made of power in the state.

Due to the conceding of the political and social inequality of the African races, the slavery issue would be soon of the past, according to the Republican Party. There was some general opposition to slavery, and the constitution was made with basic references done to that fact.

In Mississippi, the slavery issue was similarly important. According to them, any blow at slavery was a real blow at the civilization and commerce of the state. The stated below is said to have been aimed long at the institution and was at the point of consummation. The state had no choice left but to mandate the dissolution and abolition of the union. The hostility of the union dismembered Texas and detained the territories that were acquired from the state of Mexico.

The said hostility grew, and slaves were now denied the right to property. This right was denied protection on all high seas and all territories where the government had jurisdiction. This slavery issue was actually important as because of the activities that the institution got involved in, such as refusing to admit new states of the slaves, trampling the equality of the South, nullifying the Fugitive Slave Law, and advocating the social and political Negro equality

In South Carolina, the slavery issue assumes the same importance as in Georgia and Mississippi. The anti-slavery feelings led to the enactment of laws that render the remedies of slavery. In New York State, the right of slavery transit was denied by the state’s tribunal. Fugitives that were charged with murder and incitement were not surrendered by states like Ohio and Iowa; hence they broke and disregarded the compact constituted deliberately. The Federal government recognized all states as equal and gave separate controls to their own institutions. The right of property was also recognized and awarded to slaves with political rights. Hence, the slavery issue was an important aspect of the succession period.

According to the Ordinance of Secession, the role of the northern abolition movement in the succession process that led to the breaking of the country included things like overthrowing the advocates of restriction together with their friends of the party. The movement prohibited slavery in the territories and ensured the equality of the white and black races. The movement had the role of prohibiting the hostility to slavery and disregarding any guarantee to its favor that may be constitutional. The commercial and manufacturing interests were overseen by the movement. It was also its role to seek profits in the agricultural interest. The security and control of the government was also the purpose of the northern abolition movement.

The Ordinance of Secession makes all the efforts and attempts to justify the institution of slavery by their roles and mission in the anti-slavery movement. In all the states stated in the documents, the anti-slavery institutions were looking up to the abolition of slavery within their borders. For instance, in Mississippi, the right to property was awarded to the slaves and the African race. The hostility of slavery was also done away with in these states courtesy of the institutions.

In states like Ohio and Iowa, those fugitives who were charged with murder were never surrendered. They even deliberately broke and disregarded the compact constituted. The Federal government recognized all states as equal and gave separate controls to their own institutions.

In summary, slavery is a concern in the mentioned states. The paper has stated how the issue of slavery and the state’s rights were of great importance to the secession process. It has also described the role of the northern abolition movement in the process as well.

For instance, In South Carolina, the anti-slavery feelings led to the enactment of laws that delivers the remedies of slavery. In New York State, the right of slavery transit was denied by the state’s tribunal. In Mississippi, a blow at slavery is a real blow at the civilization and commerce of the state, and In Georgia, the Federal Government commits their hands directly to the policy that deals with the rise and progress of the anti-slavery organizations.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 23). Slavery, States’ Rights, and Secession: Historical Impact.

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