The Jean Watson Theory: Human Caring Philosophy

Description of the Jean Watson Theory

Human Caring Philosophy

This section will focus on Jean Watson Theory, best described as a theory of human caring due to her contribution to physicians’ role in the healthcare hierarchy (Black, 2019, p 203). This philosophy is based on human-to-human relations as applied by nurses in the transpersonal approach to treatment in the health fraternity. Essentially, the nursing practice should embrace humanity as a virtue in promoting and restoring health to prevent illnesses. It depicts an environment where patients and self-care are fundamental obligations of nurses. In essence, she articulates that compassion has a way of regenerating energies and helps enhance capabilities. Therefore, she uses her experiences to advocate for caring by offering basic principles described as Caritas Processes (Black, 2019, p 203). This theory’s critical framework can be summarized into care for self and others, including ways to show empathy and openness to various issues. Nurses must care for themselves to execute their clients’ successful treatment (Black, 2019, p 204). The framework of this viewpoint includes identifying person-to-person relationships as the foundation for effective medication and clinical practice.

Main Ideas, Major Concepts, and Constructs of Watson’s Theory

Watson borrows from other rational backgrounds, her ideology borders on compassionate care. She highlights ten principles – Watson’s 10 Caritas Processes to guide nurses on practice. Her philosophical dispensation’s key focus is to consider nursing practice as a human-to-human relationship (Black, 2019, p. 203). These respectable practice constructs include values and love, inspiring faith, and hope alongside creating an environment where there are trust and caring help every time. Moreover, Watson advocates that both positive and negative stories should be shared during the treatment procedures because the patient’s perspective is also paramount in the recovery process.

The other concern is using scientific research to promote quality care that will seek to endorse healing environments for clinicians and nurses. Sometimes nursing practice can become so traumatizing and self-intriguing that they lack the morale to provide patients’ attention. Thus, Watson considers a comprehensive care environment where all the health elements are available, including emotional, spiritual, and physical support, focusing on human dignity (Black, 2019, p. 203). In essence, her beliefs generate a vibrant culture and happy approach to nursing practice that enable a healing environment.

Application in Nursing in Terms of Nursing Practice

In practice, Watson’s theory has a significant correlation to the realization of exquisite experiences among practicing physicians. Kidd-Wheaton (2016) narrates that nurses’ relations with patients as human beings bear a significant role in shaping the recovery processes’ outcome as envisaged in Watson’s philosophy. The nurse must understand how health and society relate to stimulating harmony. In essence, the caregiver must be able to recognize the importance of their well-being, spiritually, physically, and socially before they can develop favorable treatment circumstances. The acceptance and personal relations significantly impact how patients respond to their treatment and drug prescription. Thus, nurses can use Watson’s theory to ensure a strong personal bond to help their clients believe in the recovery process to have hopes with terminal illnesses. This theory calls for nurses to make a difference in a patient’s welfare by understanding the overall meaning of life and respecting their views and perspectives. At the same time, the competent nurse should concentrate on providing a background that supports caring for all. Therefore, all physicians should adopt Watson’s philosophy as a framework in their daily duties.


Black, B. (2019). Professional nursing e-book: Concepts & challenges. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Kidd-Wheaton, K. (2016). Theory of human caring-Dr. Jean Watson .YouTube. Web.

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