The Kroger Co.’s Diversity and Needs Analysis


The needs analysis plan is important to be developed in order to identify specific steps that are necessary for covering all the stages of the process and for collecting the specific information related to the selected organization. From this point, the effective needs analysis plan includes such steps as (1) the formulation of the purpose of the needs analysis; (2) selection and the preparation of the data collection tools; (3) contacting potential interviewees; (4) conducting interviews; (5) analyzing and summarizing the data gathered with the help of interviews and document reviews, summary of findings and identification of specific needs; and (6) the provision of recommendations to improve the organization’s strategy.

Needs Analysis Plan

The needs analysis plan developed for examining the Kroger’s goals in managing diversity, addressing the inclusion procedures, and determining specific organization’s needs includes six steps. The following steps are planned to be conducted during the needs analysis process: determining the specific purpose of the needs analysis; selecting, preparing, and approving data collection methods; contacting managers and employees before conducting the needs analysis; conducting interviews; analyzing and summarizing interviews and documents; and providing recommendations on improving the policy and practices. These steps of the needs analysis plan should be discussed in detail for guiding the process of the organization’s data collection and analysis.

Stage 1: Determining the Specific Purpose of the Needs Analysis

The collaboration with Kroger’s management team regarding the examination of the diversity and inclusion policies presented in the company is based on the specific purpose: to examine and evaluate the current practices followed by the company that are related to diversity and inclusion and formulate recommendations for improving the practice based on the conducted research. This purpose also guides the process of the needs analysis in Kroger.

Stage 2: Selecting, Preparing, and Approving Data Collection Methods

Semi-Structured Interview Protocol

The main collection method selected for the needs analysis is interviewing the representatives of the HRM team in Kroger and employees on the topic of diversity and inclusion policies and practices in the company. The semi-structured face-to-face interview based on the approved protocol with open-ended questions is selected for the needs analysis (Canas & Sondak, 2014; Prieto, Phipps, & Osiri, 2011, p. 15). The goal is to identify the needs associated with managers and employees’ attitudes and perceptions regarding the adopted policies and practices. The following questions are approved for conducting the interview with the company’s managers and employees:

  1. Name practices followed by the company to address diversity and inclusion.
  2. How can you define such terms as “diversity” and “inclusion” in relation to your workplace?
  3. How is the focus on diversity reflected in the hiring and recruitment practice?
  4. What is made by the HRM team and employees to develop the understanding of diversity?
  5. What are benefits of managing diversity in the company?
  6. What aspects of the culturally diverse working environment can be discussed as problematic or challenging?
  7. Are there situations when employees do not accept the workforce diversity? How is it possible to address these situations?
  8. What steps are made in the company to address the challenges associated with diversity and inclusion?

Review of Documents and Metrics

The other data collection method selected for the needs analysis is the review of the documentation related to the diversity, inclusion, hiring, and recruitment procedures in the company. Kroger’s managers will be asked to provide hiring procedure protocols, diversity and inclusion policies (if they are available), and diversity metrics. The focus is on collecting the following metrics: diversity percentage; percentage diversity at the executive level; percentage diversity at the management level; diversity hire ratio; average employee age; percentage females at the executive level; and total females at the management level (Brief, 2008; King, Gulick, & Avery, 2010, p. 893; Prieto et al., 2011). The provided documents will also be studied to determine the clear organizational goals regarding diversity and inclusion, to determine the organization’s structure and its impact on the diversity management policies, and to identify the approaches to distributing the responsibilities among managers.

Stage 3: Contacting Managers and Employees before Conducting the Needs Analysis

Before conducting interviews, it is necessary to contact the HRM team and schedule the interview sessions for the managers and for the respondents among employees with the focus on their working hours. It is planned to interview two managers and 6-8 employees who work in the Kroger’s regional department. While planning the interviews, it is important to expect that the interview with one respondent can last 30 minutes or one hour. At this stage, the list of employees available for contacting and participating in the interview should be written with the focus on the assistance of the HRM team in the regional department of Kroger.

Stage 4: Conducting Interviews

The process of interviewing the respondents will be divided into two sessions, including interviews with managers and interviews with the other employees. Face-to-face interviews with Kathy Sims, Human Resource Manager in the regional Kroger’s department and Amanda Long, Human Resource Coordinator in the regional Kroger’s department, will be conducted before interviewing other employees of the department. The answers to the questions are planned to be recorded for the further detailed analysis.

Stage 5: Analyzing and Summarizing Interviews and Documents

During this stage, the researcher reviews the recordings of interviews, documents, and provided metrics with the purpose of identifying diversity and inclusion practices followed in Kroger. These practices are summarized in the report. The next step is the analysis of the practices’ effectiveness with the focus on the respondents’ answers and determining the weaknesses or gaps in the followed policies and provided diversity metrics (Armstrong, Flood, Guthrie, Liu, & MacCurtain, 2010, p. 978). The main task is to determine the prioritized needs related to the diversity and inclusion practices or programs followed in the organization.

Stage 6: Providing Recommendations on Improving the Policy and Practices

At the final stage of the needs analysis process, the researcher is expected to formulate the recommendations for the regional department of Kroger directed to address the identified weaknesses and gaps in realizing the diversity and inclusion principles and improve the diversity metrics (Armstrong et al., 2010, p. 979; Brief, 2008, p. 112). The recommendations presented in the form of the needs analysis report for Kroger will also include strategies oriented to decrease the level of resistance among employees to implemented inclusion practices.

From this point, six steps should be included in the needs analysis plan in order to achieve the goal of the assessment and identify the issues or needs preventing the HRM team in Kroger from improving the diversity and inclusion practices and metrics. The other important step is the formulation of efficient recommendations for the company with the focus on its strategic goals and vision.


Armstrong, C., Flood, P. C., Guthrie, J. P., Liu, W., & MacCurtain, S. (2010). The impact of diversity and equality management on firm performance: Beyond high performance work systems. Human Resource Management, 49(6), 977-998.

Brief, A. P. (2008). Diversity at work. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Canas, K., & Sondak, H. (2014). Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

King, E. B., Gulick, L. M., & Avery, D. R. (2010). The divide between diversity training and diversity education: Integrating best practices. Journal of Management Education, 34(6), 891-906.

Prieto, L. C., Phipps, S. T., & Osiri, J. K. (2011). Linking workplace diversity to organizational performance: A conceptual framework. Journal of Diversity Management, 4(4), 13-22.

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