The Lesbian Family Impact on Canadian Society

There is a hypothesis that lesbians are the best parents, confirmed by the “National Study of Lesbian Families.” Recent results show that children in such families are much more successful than heterosexual ones. However, in Canada, same-sex families continue to face discrimination from the local population. In this paper, an attempt will be made to explain the advantages of a lesbian family and the potential benefits for Canadian society.

The researchers found the following signs of success in families with two moms: after a divorce, lesbians often continue friendly communication, which positively affects children. They do not practice corporal punishment and much less feel the problem of the relationship of the stepmother and stepdaughter of the film stepson (Pedro et al., 2019). Children show greater tolerance on any grounds (race, sexual orientation) and are more often ready to be different from everyone else (Pedro et al., 2019). They are more successful in school, effective in communication, and demonstrate higher self-esteem. In families without men, children grow up much more adapted to life in the modern world.

Social rather than gender reasons can explain the success of lesbian families. Same-sex marriages are less likely to be accidental; those couples who adopt children are more often established people prepared for the parental role. For Canadian society, this fact can benefit and strengthen heterosexual families. The development of tolerance and respect for local culture on the part of a family of two mothers has a positive effect on upbringing in traditional families. This type of family will also help other homosexual families open up and openly marry and raise children. Both sides of mutual relations benefit, which has a significant impact on the healthy environment and the happiness of Canadian lives.


Pedro, A. C., Henrique, P., & Isabel, L. (2019). Through the lens of sexual stigma: Attitudes toward lesbian and gay parenting. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 15(1), 58-75.

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