Understanding Literature: The Role of Imagination and Tone


The literary work that we have thoroughly discussed this week was very significant and interesting to me in many ways. This literal work made me understand literature in a different way. Generally literature restores our past, arouses our imagination, praises the common place, stirs up emotions and serves as links between our feelings and thinking, sustains a vision of the ideal and discloses human nature by exploring and answering the most significant human questions. I declare that I am sincerely convinced about the knowledge that I have acquired from this intellectual topic.

Power of Imagination

The most important function of creative process is to give things their form. Writers are artists who make use of words to convey ideas and feelings. As a reader I am expected to use power of imagination which is the human power that gives shapes to artistic expressions.

The power of imagination allows work of the writer to be converted into an expression of meaning in today’s world and enables readers to connect in identifying with what the author’s work has to say about things that matter. So essentially we all become writers in a sense. When reading through this article you get to imagine how I felt when I learnt a little more about literature. Literature as a form of art work allows you to read with a purpose while simultaneously using the experience to connect to the writer. (Creston, 2010)

Literature is a creative work that originates from a writer’s personal experience and thoughts. Image in the field of literature is a distant representation of something that can be experienced and understood through the senses of an idea. In order to be a good literature artist one has to be very vigilant in thinking and very active in imagination. It requires good writing skills to illustrate and explain your imagination and ideas in the most appropriate way to the target audience. As a writer you are expected to use precise language in developing images in every literary work.

The Tone

Tone also plays a significant function in literary work. It’s the one used to identify how the writer approaches a subject and expresses it to the readers. With reference to our textbook, Journey into Literature by R. Wayne Claxton, tone is referred to as ‘the mood or attitude reflected in a literary work.” It’s used to bring composition of the literary work which covers the attitudes towards the subject and theme of the literary articles. Tone might be formal, informal, friendly, somber, and playful. In a story tone is what the author is feeling towards his/her subject while what the audience feels is referred to as mood. It’s good to understand that tone and mood are not interchangeable in which ever case. (Wayne, 2010)

Tone in a piece of literature work may change or vary from time to time. There are different elements of tone which include syntax, this is the grammatical arrangement of the words in an article, diction which is word choice, imagery and extended metaphors. (Bliech, 1986) Tone is frequently used in literature work to express feelings and emotions resulting in the moods and making the article more interesting to the readers.

Finally, literature has been playing a very significant part of our history and we tend to use it in our everyday life. You either use Literature as a writer or as a reader in order to enhance your literal understanding and also used in our learning institutions as a subject in the syllabus.


Bleich, D. (1986). Intersubjective reading. New Literary History, 17, 404-20.

Wayne, Clugston (2010). Journey into Literature. CA. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Understanding Literature: The Role of Imagination and Tone." February 16, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/the-literary-work-concepts/.


StudyCorgi. "Understanding Literature: The Role of Imagination and Tone." February 16, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/the-literary-work-concepts/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Understanding Literature: The Role of Imagination and Tone." February 16, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/the-literary-work-concepts/.

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