The Lumen Learning Website Analysis

Lumen Learning is an educational website that caters to both students and instructors. Lumen’s reasonably priced course materials are made to improve learning through open educational resources (“About us,” 2022). They offer interactive learning materials of the highest caliber, online homework, personalized feedback, and individualized study programs. There are several options for students to participate in active learning. Generally, to pinpoint areas where students struggle and implement specific changes that promote learning, Lumen employs learning science principles and examines learning data.

Textual Analysis

The website utilizes both long and short sentences to relay the information. Nonetheless, all the sentences are concise, formal, and dominated by the nouns like “students,” educators, and “Lumen.” Most importantly, it informs the user that their items are current and that people have recently accessed them during the present time frame by using active sentences. In the active voice, the primary verb is active, and the sentence’s subject is conveyed (Tetzner, 2020). For example, “we apply learning science principles and analyze learning data” (“About us,” 2022, para. 1). Essentially, by using “we,” Lumen acknowledges that they are the entity performing the action or providing learning resources.

Additionally, it appropriately uses adjectives to indicate how well the website supports learning. For instance, the adjective “effective” is used at the beginning of the website to indicate that Lumen is dedicated to providing intended teaching and learning tools. The homepage lists several services supplied using bullet points. Large blocks of text are broken up using bullet points, making it easier to understand complex words and messages and highlight important information. The colorful photos of learners and teachers using the website are intended to pleasure the user and encourage them to access the website for research. Images on the website enhance the user experience and make it easier for visitors to understand crucial information. Ultimately, users are more likely to stay on the website and have a better chance of becoming customers.

The work has been made simpler and more readable by using text organization under subheadings. The website’s text and photo placement effectively covered any white space to minimize wastage. Bolding important terms like Desmos and immediate feedback encourages users to utilize the many options available on the website. Bold is frequently used to draw attention to keywords crucial to the text’s substance since it stands out so dramatically from plain text. The entire content is written in the Arial font style, which makes it simple to read because the words are legible. Arial is one of the secure web fonts accessible on all significant operating systems. Generally, it aids in upholding consistency and giving the website a clean, professional appearance. Finally, links have been included in sections that have been highlighted to make it simple for users to obtain additional resources made available by the website.


I would advise using language like “you” instead of “students” to indicate that users are not always pupils since teachers and people from other backgrounds can access the website. The second-person point of view in writing addresses the audience directly with the pronoun “you” and goes beyond by producing an engaging literary experience that draws the reader into the narrative (Atwood, 2021). Additionally, I would suggest that the website include testimonials and other forms of proof on the page, and as a result, the user will be inspired to utilize the site.


About us. (2022). Lumen Learning. Web.

Atwood, M. (2021). What is second person point of view in writing? How to write in second person narrative voice with examples. MasterClass. Web.

Tetzner, R. (2020). The benefits of using the active voice in academic & scientific writing. Academic and Scientific Proofreading and Editing Services. Web.

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