The Marketing Strategy Plan Analysis

The marketing plan suggests following some of the trends that have already become the cornerstone of the company’s success. It does not reject some of the key points of the current marketing strategy. Instead, it provides the guidelines for the future development of new services, the introduction of pet supplies, and the creation of sophisticated targeting tools. The target market for the marketing plan is represented by pet owners with small animals living within 10 miles of Wellington (Hillside veterinary clinic marketing plan, 2008). It is of major importance to distinguish between current clients and other consumers and use different marketing tools.

Hillside Veterinary Clinic seeks to extend the number of services it provides and to broaden its client base. Finding new customers and encouraging them to spend more on the high-quality services is the company’s top priority, as the retention rate is high, and the population growth allows for more active advertising campaigns. The company’s managers are determined to inform locals of the quality of their services and the compassionate care that their clinic offers. There are various types of veterinary clinics north and south of Wellington with their own clientele, which is used to visiting a small local clinic. Thus, it is better not to compete for such loyal customers and focus on vinyl signs, banners, and participation in local events instead. Moving to a new bigger building and extending clinic hours will also contribute to HVC’s popularity. Nevertheless, advertisements in local newspapers and other traditional tools are still instrumental in promoting the company’s new image and services.

The strategy seems to provide all the necessary information on the steps the company is going to take, and there is the reasoning behind all the decisions. The strategy will succeed if external factors do not undermine the initial efforts. However, I believe that the population growth and the bright presence on Main Street will eventually lead to the proper implementation of all the changes the company plans to undergo.


Hillside veterinary clinic marketing plan. (2008). Web.

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