The Meaning of Death and a Person’s Attitude Towards It


Death is one area of human experience that many people do not like talking about because they are worried about it and they even won’t want to imagine it. Many other areas of human experience are openly discussed but the issue of desperation related to death makes people see death as a dangerous and negative event in their lives. Many people do not like thinking of their own death but they do agree that others will die. However, the fear of death can be reduced by the way that people face it. Death is a dangerous occurrence in peoples lives and it comes to separate them from their loved ones. People should live a life that has no regrets and focus on their own death for this will help them face it courageously.

The Meaning of Death

To many people, death is a destruction that brings an end to their lives. They see it as a dangerous action and they can do anything to avoid it. Death also comes to separate people from their loved ones living them with grief, anger, and shame. This even makes it hard for a person to cope with the experience of their own deaths. When a loved one dies, it becomes a mystery to many and instills great fear because one cannot understand exactly what has happened. The old are much worried and they feel that death can come to them any time. This brings in great fear to the extent that they are always thinking about it. The fear that they have adds pressure on pressure and affects their health in a great way. However, everybody is between life and death and even a child can die before an old person. Also many people do not accept it when their loved ones die. Some spend a lot of money in embalming them trying to make them look as if they are not dead (Jessica pgs.310-16). Individuals with terminal illnesses even wonder why it has to happen to them and why not to other individuals making them experience much pain (Elizabeth-Ross’s pgs.276-282).

How to Face Death

Many people fear death but facing death in the right way makes people accept the transition quietly. Actually, any person can die at any age and death is prone to anybody in the same way. Some people do not fear because they believe in life after death. To them, death is just a transition where the individual goes and begins another life. Living a faithful life and fulfilling God’s commandments gives the hope that is necessary for one to face death strongly. The grace of god will be upon such individuals and will grant them the necessary courage (Tholen pgs.331-340). Another way to help an individual to reduce the negative impact of the fear of death is by living a life that has no regrets. When an individual feels like his or her time has come, many talk of unsettled events, unfulfilled dreams, shattered hopes, etc. These are individuals who haven’t lived their lives in the best way and they wish that they got a second opportunity. One should relate with other individuals in a way that he or she makes positive contributions in their lives. This way, the individual won’t regret the times that he or she had with the individuals. People should live courageously and remain focused on their demise since it will help them live their lives to the fullest and in the right way. Focusing on ones death helps an individual fulfill his or her reason for living, live a faithful life, focus on ones goals, etc. Focusing will remind an individual that he or she is also dying and therefore remain prepared for it.


Many people are afraid of death and view death as a destruction in their lives that come to separate them with their loved ones. Any person regardless of the age is prone to death and people need not be afraid. Living a life that has no regrets can help an individual reduce the impact of the fear of death. An individual should also focus on his or her own death so that he or she can live a fulfilling life.

Works Cited

Muford, Jessica. Formaldehyde Curtain. (310-16).

The Norton Reader, Elizabeth-Ross’s “On the Fear of Death” (276-82).

Van tholen’s “Surprised by Death” (931-340).

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