“The Ministry of Health and Healing” by Ellen White

The Ministry of Health and Healing by Ellen White teaches its readers universal truths and wisdoms which should be born in mind by everyone. According to White, only the purity of soul can help a person get cured with sins which dwell in every person being primary causes of all diseases.

Human diseases come from sins and only by clearing one’s soul can one become healthy. Sins burden the soul and they “can find no relief until they come to the Healer of the soul” (White, 2004, p. 36). The evil roots deep in the heart and mind and only when it is completely eradicated from there can a person become healthy.

Hope should be the last to abandon especially if it is hope to get cured. The story about the 38-year-old cripple who lay at the bank of Bethesda waiting for agitating water to cure him proves this. This man could not reach the water by himself but he still managed to get to Bethesda and never stopped hoping that he would get cured someday, for which he has been rewarded by Jesus.

Lastly, one should not dare to judge other people for their sins if he/she has sinned at least once in this life. Jesus’ desire to be just bred the idea that every person on this Earth is sinful, as well as that every person deserves a second chance in case he/she has sinned. The phrase “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (White, 2004, p. 40) proves the wiseness of this idea.

Therefore, people should strive to live without sins for their health problems derive namely from sins. In addition, they should never give up hope and judge other people if they are sinful themselves.

Reference List

White, E.G. (2004). The Ministry of Health and Healing: An Adaption of the Ministry of Healing. Nampa: Pacific Press Publishing.

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