The Most Promising New Media Source


With the development of the Internet, people have been able to access various new media characterized by the transmission of information in digital form. Their mass character and accessibility are directly related to the computerization of society and subsequent digital literacy. Traditional media are turning into multimedia, and everywhere use various modern technologies in their work: digital image processing, social media, instant messenger channels, live broadcasts on the Internet, etc. Even though there are many new media, the most promising is where videos and live broadcasts can be shown, for example, on Instagram or YouTube.


Undoubtedly, the role of the Internet is one of the main factors in the formation of new media. This allows to simultaneously use text and images, video, and audio to transmit information. In the modern world, anyone, even with the most minimal budget and technical equipment, can create their media publication in any format: text, images, audio, video. Such opportunities generate incredible competition for the user’s attention. The new media industry closely interacts with many segments: advertising and marketing, television, and radio (Burnett & Merchant, 2018). Those, in turn, are closely connected with the Internet, through which interaction with people takes place.

Through YouTube and Instagram, people can receive any information they are interested in in a comfortable form. These sources of new information attract people in different aspects. The visual component or video allows to visually demonstrate a particular topic, for example, works of art or current news (Danesi, 2017). In addition, some people shoot entertainment videos, which makes it possible to attract sponsors, advertisers, and their own audience. In the future, people get the opportunity to earn on the created videos.

New media allow people not only to get information from pre-filmed and processed videos but also to see something live. For some, this is especially interesting since they may not be able to be present in any country or be at the place of certain events. The limitless possibilities of new media allow people from different countries to watch their favorite bloggers and see how they live, what they eat, where they go, etc. It helps to broaden horizons and strive to achieve high goals in order to have the same opportunities. Alexander (2017) states that live broadcasts are also conducted not just by specific people but by any organizations that can show exciting sights, art objects, etc. Some people are interested in the topic of economics, and they can go live with professionals and learn new helpful information. That is, any topic of interest to a person can be disclosed in an accessible visual form.

Through new media, charitable funds can also be collected to help save the life of a person who needs expensive treatment or assistance with animals. The large and growing audience of Instagram and YouTube allows to attract sponsors and caring people to help, making this type of new media promising (Henriksen & Hoelting, 2017). Some bloggers shoot videos so that they can be monetized in the future and send these funds to shelters for homeless animals or assist in conducting operations for sick people. This assistance is a considerable contribution to the development of society and saving many lives, which is undoubtedly a significant and essential advantage of these media over others.


In conclusion, new media such as YouTube and Instagram are the most promising as they allow people to broaden their horizons, help other people through financial fees and monetize their works. There are undoubtedly different successful types of new media, but not all of them can achieve several goals at once. These resources are the most popular among people and continue to increase the audience, which makes them not only popular but also promising.


Alexander, B. (2017). The new digital storytelling: Creating narratives with new media – Revised and updated edition. Abc-clio.

Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2018). New media in the classroom: Rethinking primary literacy. Sage.

Danesi, M. (2017). Language, society, and new media: sociolinguistics today. Routledge.

Henriksen, Danah & Hoelting, Megan (2017). Creativity on YouTube. Considering new media and the impulses of the learned in Ilana Eleá and Lothar Mikos. Nordicom.

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