The Multistage Automated Washer Disinfector

The increased risk of infection due to contaminated surgical instruments has brought to fore the need to use effective and sophisticated methods and equipment for sterilization. Decontamination processes are useful in the disinfection of reusable surgical instruments particularly in the face of increased risk of blood borne diseases (NHS Estates, 1994). The multistage automated washer disinfectant is among the latest equipment which has been invented to improve on the decontamination of the reusable products (British Standards Institution, 1990). This essay will look into the operation of a multistage automated washer disinfector in the cleaning of reusable products.

Decontamination is a constellation of processes taken singly or collectively with the aim of killing infectious agents in reusable medical equipment (British Standards Institution, 1994). The processes involved include acquisition of medical device, cleaning to remove dirt, disinfection, inspection for anomalies, disposal of broken devices and packaging. The devices are then sterilized, transported and stored for reuse (British Standards Institution, 1994, p.20).

The multi chamber automated washer disinfector is an invention that enhanced the effectiveness of decontamination while at the same time eliminating the requirement for manual cleaning (Advanced Sterilization Products, 2006, para. 3). The automation, as shown in the EvoTech ECR, is designed to enhance the effectiveness in decontamination by minimizing the risk of infection prevention (Williamson, 2007, para 3). The disinfector has a high capacity, superior automation and reliability compared to earlier equipments (Nordqvist, 2009, para. 3). Its compact design and advanced features ensure hygiene is maintained at the highest levels. For example, the Amsco Reliance 777 device has a six pre-programmed and another four customized cycles to allow for high volume processing. It has a capacity of processing five different five cycles within a combination of phases such as enzyme prewash, ultrasonic cleaning, rinse and drying. The equipment automatically identifies the cycle which is appropriate for each load by the use of a bar code. A standard automated multi-chamber washer has a load-end extension which is followed by the pre wash section that leads to the wash section. The rinse and the unload sections are at the other end of the unit (Device Technologies New Zealand, 2004).

The operation of the washer is started when a scanner reads the barcode thereby selecting the appropriate washing program for the load. Then liquid is introduced and the process starts after the machine ascertains the medical device is intact (Device Technologies New Zealand, 2004). The washer can process more than one cycle simultaneously.

The device is pre-washed when filtered and bacteria free water is introduced into the system. This is done to remove any dirt that may have into contact with the devices. The medical device is then washed. This is achieved by use of enzymatic detergent that is supplied by in then chambers before it is circulated in the channels and surfaces of the device. This ensures that microorganisms are removed. Rinsing by use of filtered water is done to remove the solution (Williamson, 2007). Ultrasonic disinfection is sometimes done before disinfection (Getinge Infection Control, 2010).

Disinfection is then done by introduction of an automatically measured dose of concentrate solution. This is achieved by ensuring that al the channels and surfaces of the medical devices are exposed to the disinfectant. Second rinsing is done to remove the disinfectant in the channels and surfaces. Thermal rinsing may be applied depending on the cycle. Another rinse with pure water which may be accompanied with instrumental lubrication is done before drying. Finally, the device is transported and stored for reuse. The washers have inbuilt monitors to ensure all the parameters such as thermal loadings and disinfectants concentrations are at their optimum readings. The automation ensures the medical device passes through the appropriate processes before it is unloaded.

The multistage automated washer/disinfector is effective equipment due to its high level of hygiene, compact design and versatility.

Reference List

Advanced Sterilization Products. 2006. Advanced Sterilization Products Receives FDA Clearance for First Washer/Disinfector That Eliminates Need for Manual Cleaning. Irvine, CA: Advanced Sterilization Products. Web.

Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP). 2010. Automation Means Confidence From Start To Finish. Irvine, CA: Advanced Sterilization Products. Web.

British Standards Institution., 1994, Sterilization of medical devices – Validation and routine control of sterilization by moist heat. London: British Standards Institution.

British Standards Institution., 1990, Sterilizing and disinfecting equipment for medical products: Specification for transportable steam sterilizers for unwrapped instruments. London: British Standards Institution.

Device Technologies New Zealand., 2004, Amsco¨ Reliance¨ 777 Automated Multi-Chamber Washer/Disinfector. Auckland: Device Technologies New Zealand.

Getinge Infection Control., 2010, Getinge CM 320-SERIES multi-chamber washer-disinfector. Getinge: Getinge Infection Control.

NHS Estates., 1994, Sterilization: HTM 2010: Part 3 (Health Technical Memorandum HTM). London: Stationery Office Books.

Nordqvist, C. 2009. What Is Endoscopy? What Is An Endoscope? Medical News Today. Web.

Williamson, Julie. 2007. Automated decontam scrubs away inefficiencies. Health care purchasing news, Vol. 1, pp. 54-67.

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