The Networking Topology Concepts and Approaches

Understanding basic network topologies is central to building a viable physical design thereof. Currently, the point-to-point (P2P), bus, ring, star, and mesh topologies are considered to be the most effective and, therefore, the most broadly used ones. The P2P topology, as its name suggests, requires a direct connection between two computers for the network to exist. For instance, two interconnected personal computers may create a network where data is exchanged. The high levels of connection speed and data transfer reliability is what characterizes the specified connection type. The specified topology can be used in the financial industry realm due to simplicity in financial transactions.

Another approach to building a network, the bus one, implies that the network is built with the help of a single cable stretched between several computers termed as nodes in the specified system, with one of the nodes being turned into a server (Kurt, 2019). The specified approach to connecting computers into a network allows minimizing the cable costs, therefore, offering substantial opportunities for saving money (Ledwoch et al., 2018). However, since the entire system hinges on a single cable, its malfunctioning leads to a collapse of the entire system. The bus topology can be used in SMEs and emergent companies due to its cost-effectiveness.

Another framework for building a network, the ring topology, implies that all computers are connected into a ring, where each node is connected to the two neighboring ones. Linked into a ring, the nodes pass information to one another in the direction that the network determines. The ease of use and management, as well as the fast transfer of data, might make the specified network seem superior to others (Kurt, 2019). However, similarly to other topologies except for the P2P one, it allows connecting multiple devices. The ring topology can be used in industries such as healthcare, as the means of correcting errors and transfer data immediately, thus, ensuring people’s well-being.

The star network approach is yet another solution to setting up a network. Unlike the ring one, the star topology links all computers into a network with a central node functioning as a hub for the rest of the devices (Kurt, 2019). Shaped like a star, the specified topology is regarded as the most effective option for multiple reasons. The low cost and high efficiency of the proposed solution represent the core reasons for introducing the specified design as the leading one (Kurt, 2019). The arrangement of the star topology is similar to the ring one, with the key nodes not being prioritized. However, with the star featuring a specific server in its framework, the design is still slightly different (Kurt, 2019).

Finally, the mesh typology of network systems implies creating a unique framework, where every device is linked to every other (Kurt, 2019). The specified approach to building a network suggests high variability in the designs, ranging from partial to full mesh design (Kurt, 2019). The presence of dedicated links in the mesh topology allows avoiding traffic problems, while also enjoying a highly robust topology in industries such as IoT (Kurt, 2019). Being strikingly different in its arrangement to other topologies, the mesh type still approaches the ring one since it does not prioritize any single node.


Kurt, E. W. (2019). Network topology: The physical and logical structure of a network connection between model and nodes. Amazon Digital Services LLC.

Ledwoch, A., Yasarcan, H., & Brintrup, A. (2018). The moderating impact of supply network topology on the effectiveness of risk management. International Journal of Production Economics, 197, 13-26.

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