The NYU Langone Health Organizational Profile

Product promotion is crucial for each organization, and NYU Langone Health is no exception. NYU Langone Health is a medical center in New York City’s five boroughs, Long Island, New Jersey, Westchester County, and Florida. The organization’s mission is to allocate high-quality, attentive, culturally competent, and comprehensive healthcare services in a teaching and research environment (Our story, n.d.). The company’s vision includes taking considerable gratification in securing that their patients and their families are guaranteed a compassionate and nurturing environment. The scope of services includes a broad diversity of specialties, including inpatient and outpatient care, women’s health, pediatrics, endocrinology, cardiac and vascular care, and many others (Our story, n.d.). Therefore, the introduction aims to observe the organization and product promoted in the strategic marketing proposal.

The marketing initiative revolves around individuals between 18-25 years who are more likely to abuse the drug than any other age group. The ideal product will be rehabilitation since people in the identified age group are likely to be chronic drug users (Schepis et al., 2018). Teenagers struggle with feelings of inadequacy, poor self-esteem, and social anxiety currently in their lives. Most start purchasing and taking substances to associate with an older, more alluring social group or to feel accepted.

Eventually, it does not matter whether a company sells to consumers or other companies; knowing and meeting client demands is essential to success. As soon as the company obtains this information, it can utilize it to convince new and returning clients that doing business with them can is their greatest advantage. Teenager who abuses drugs needs to be aware that addiction can severely impact their health, and examples can be drawn from a rise in cancer cases due to smoking.

The four P’s represent the crucial factors that must be carefully thought out and implemented to advertise a good or service properly. When creating a strategic marketing plan, each is valued equally, rather than having a higher priority than the others (The 4 Ps of Marketing, n.d.). Successful products typically meet demand-generating unmet market needs or offer a fresh client experience. The rehabilitation is the product in this instance.

When selling a good or service, choosing a price that appeals to the target audience and supports the company’s objectives is critical. Pricing can have a big impact on a product’s overall success. For instance, if the price of goods is too high, some people may decide against buying them because they cannot afford them. Place refers to finding the ideal location to advertise and sell goods because it is crucial for reaching the target market, much like price. To connect with the intended audience, it is crucial to find the proper place, which will be the company’s medical centers for selling. Promotion through social media and educational facilities will make it possible to reach the target audience. To avert such consequences, teenagers should be encouraged to restore constructive functioning within the workplace, family, and community, creating the drivers of demand. For example, treatment helps individuals to regain control of their lives and combat the powerfully detrimental impacts of addiction on behavior and the brain.

Overall, the marketing initiative revolves around individuals between 18-25 years who are more likely to abuse the drug than any other age group. Teenagers and young adults tend to use and abuse drugs to fit in. The ideal product will be rehabilitation since people in the identified age group are likely to be chronic drug users. Therefore, using the four P’s for the marketing strategy and identifying customers’ needs are key factors for successful promotion.


Our story. (n.d.). HYU Langone Health. Web.

Schepis, T. S., Teter, C. J., Simoni-Wastila, L., & McCabe, S. E. (2018). Prescription tranquilizer/sedative misuse prevalence and correlates across age cohorts in the US. Addictive Behaviors, 87, 24-32.

The 4 Ps of Marketing: What You Need to Know (With Examples). (n.d.). Neil Patel. Web.

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