The Pay Gap in Women and Minorities

The frame of reference

The gender wage gap persists in most countries, including the world’s most developed economies. The reasons why women are paid less than men for the same job with the same qualifications are often explained by differences in experience, education, working conditions, or even self-confidence (Binns, 2021). The gender wage gap may be due to the fact that women assess their skills more modestly and demonstrate lower salary expectations at the same level of competence as men. Another popular explanation for the gender pay gap is that women are less likely to negotiate their wages.

Grounds for comparison

Two positions may be compared with regard to the pay gap in the tech industry. On the one hand, women show a higher level of risk aversion, agreeing to a job offer much earlier than men, while men show higher optimism about their prospects, measured as the ratio of expected earnings to actual earnings (Gruman, 2020). On the other hand, the pay gap may occur due to hidden discrimination.


There is indeed a gender pay gap in the tech industry, but it is not about the fact that women negotiate worse with the employer, but due to lasting discriminatory practices.


Binns, C. (2021). What’s behind the pay gap in STEM jobs? Stanford Graduate School of Business. Web.

Gruman, G. (2020). Women do better, minorities worse, when it comes to the tech wage gap. Computerworld. Web.

The Associated Press. (2021). LGBTQ Catholics stung by Vatican rebuff of same-sex unions. NBC News. Web.

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