The PICO Format: The Problem of VTE Treatment

The PICO format helps to focus on the problem of VTE treatment non-compliance using an evidence-based clinical practice approach. The nurse indicator related to the PICO issue is critical for the development of the PICO question. The problem in my workplace is associated with the management of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in the adult patients admitted to the Medical/Surgical unit and all post-operative patients. Since the patients demonstrate high rates of non-compliance with VTE prophylaxis, they develop complications such as pain, bleeding, and ecchymosis.

In the following table, the PICO mnemonic refers to population, intervention, comparison, and outcome. A patient population might be described based on age, medical condition, or risk. For instance, the population may consist of adult patients admitted to the Medical/Surgical unit along with post-operative patients. The intervention section of the table contains information on clinical interventions recommended in a particular clinical case. Patient education on pharmacological VTE treatment and compression devices might be viewed as examples of clinical interventions. The comparison part gives an example of another clinical intervention that is commonly used in the given healthcare facility, such as medication prescription without adequate patient education. Finally, the outcomes section describes essential patient outcomes, such as improved VTE treatment compliance and the decrease in preventable deaths.

Nurse Sensitive Indicator Patient non-compliance with VTE prophylactic measures which leads to complications such as pain, bleeding, and ecchymosis.
PICO Question
Adult patients admitted to the Medical/Surgical unit, including post-operative patients.
Intervention I:
Patient education on the need for pharmacologic anticoagulation treatment and the use of mechanical compression devices.
Comparison C:
Patients are prescribed with VTE pharmacologic treatment and compression devices without proper education or instructions.
Outcome O:
Improved VTE prophylaxis compliance, lower rates of complications, and decreased preventable mortality.
Answerable Evidence-Based Practice Question In adult patients admitted to the Medical/Surgical unit, what is the impact of VTE prevention education and instruction on VTE prophylaxis compliance, lower rates of complications, and decreased mortality compared to VTE medication prescription without proper patient education/ instruction?

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