Suicide and Major Depressive Disorder

Various depressive disorders have now become a severe issue for the vast majority of world residents. Constant pressure, immense workload, and undermining one’s mental health have led to an increasing rate of self-harm and suicide across the globe. When speaking of the current US situation, in a timeframe encompassing the last 17 years, the suicide frequency rate grew by more than 30% in 25 states (CDC, 2018). Such alarming statistics makes people question their general knowledge on the matter.

To begin with, while it seems clear that suicide as a notion stands for one’s intention to die because of self-injury, many people undermine how difficult it sometimes is to track one’s mental state. With statistical data claiming one committed suicide every eleven minutes in 2018 in the US, it is of great importance to define which groups are more inclined to harm themselves (CDC, 2020). Hence, men, all the ethnic minorities, sexual minorities representatives, and former militants are the ones who are currently considered to be the major risk groups in terms of committing suicide. In order to combat the issue, various preventative strategies can be introduced. Some of the most widespread tactics include identification and support of people at risk, establishing the proper level of connectedness, and teaching coping and problem-solving mechanisms.

Regarding the case provided, it is, first of all, important to conduct the patient’s assessment. According to the details provided, the assessment is the following:

  • Absence of parental guidance that leads to the desire to find comfort in her partners;
  • Hysterical seizures;
  • Genetic predisposition to severe depression;
  • Long history of suicidal attempts.

According to the aforementioned observations, it may be estimated that Valerie struggles with Suicidal Depression, being a major depressive disorder closely associated with people having thoughts of death and self-harm. In order to deal with the issue, the following treatment plan should be implemented:

  • Valerie will be enrolled in the cognitive-behavioral therapy program;
  • Valerie will seek out for the therapist’s help anytime she feels no desire to go on with her life;
  • Valerie will be prescribed a course of antidepressants;

In the course of Valerie’s treatment, the intervention should concern observation of her behavioral patterns, reassure that the safe and pleasing environment is provided, assisting the patient with mechanisms of depressive and hysterical episodes recognition.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2018). Suicide rising across the US. Web.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2020). Preventing suicide. Web.

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