The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Among the variety of themes in medical field, I was always interested in different types of disorders and their influence of human life and further communication. This is why it is not a surprise that the topic that I chose for this assignment is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). My searching process took certain time because it was very important to find out reliable and informative sources which clearly discussed the idea of PTSD and represented interesting facts concerning the existence of this post-traumatic stress disorder. The results of my search were rather successful. Much information on this topic was found, and I made a decision to rely on the source from I put the necessary word-combination (post-traumatic stress disorder) into its searching engine. Within several seconds, the results impressed me: more than 200 sources were found.

The first article chosen was “Pharmacotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder”. It is the work of Alderman, McCarthy, and Marwood in Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology. The article was posted in 2009, so this information may be regarded as not only reliable but also up-to-date because all achievements in the chosen sphere are taken into consideration. Alderman, McCarthy, and Marwood (2009) post-traumatic stress disorder define it as a very serious and common illness the symptoms of which have to be investigated thoroughly before the treatment is offered. In this article, the idea of PTSD management is argued properly. One of the most powerful sides of this article is the attention to statistical data and to both women and men problems. A proper division of this article into logical and informative chapters plays a very important role. The reader is able to find clear and reliable examples in accordance with the point he/she is interested in.

Another source that was used to find a proper article about post-traumatic stress disorder was the site It is an official site of the university, this is why information provided on its pages should be reliable and important. In one of the ProQuest archives of this site, I found an article created by the team of people (Weems, Taylor, Cannon, etc) in 2010. “Post Traumatic Stress, Context, and the Lingering Effects of the Hurricane Katrina Disaster among Ethnic Minority Youth” is a captivating article that helps to evaluate the illness under discussion and comprehend its essence by means of real life examples. The author explain that PTSD symptoms do not significantly declined with time (Weems et al, 2010), this is why the investigation of this illness will be significant all the time. This article is also regarded as a reliable one because its authors rely on current achievements and sources. Their work seems to be useful not only for those who are involved into medical sphere but also for those who want to have some general ideas about this illness and effects considering the situation around.

In general, the two articles from different sites are reliable and helpful for people who are involved into the medical sphere. Though it is not always possible to comprehend the essence of all terms used in these articles, general ideas and the answer to the question whether post-traumatic stress disorder really exists or not may be formulated. Many people suffer from this illness, and it is very important to know more about its symptoms and treatment that are properly described in the articles from and

Reference List

Alderman, C.P., McCarthy, L.C., & Marwood, A.C. (2009). Pharmacotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 2(1): 77-86.

Weems, C.F., Taylor, L.K., Cannon, M.F., et al. (2010). Post Traumatic Stress, Context, and the Lingering Effects of the Hurricane Katrina Disaster among Ethnic Minority Youth. Journal Abnormal Child Psychology, 38: 49-56.

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