“The Power of Coincidence” by Jill Neimark

The Power of Coincidence, written by J. Neimark, emphasizes how the ambivalent concept of coincidence can influence lives and alter situations. After reading it, I can, without a doubt, concur that coincidences exist and are very important. As we read the narrative, we can see how the author recounts Elisabeth Targ’s life, which was full of coincidences—even after she passed away. She frequently anticipated the gifts she would receive on her birthday, and, most of the time, she was accurate (Neimark, 2004). She went on to study alternative medicine after beginning a career in psychiatry. I find it noteworthy and interesting that after engaging in distant prayer for AIDS and glioblastoma patients, she later receives a terminal brain tumor diagnosis and passes away 111 days later at 11:11 p.m (Neimark, 2004).

Despite numerous attempts to establish frameworks for researching this phenomenon, it is hard to say that any of them is successful. The author, in its turn, advises readers to accept this powerful and intriguing ability to predict things.

Although many people might disagree, I think coincidences do exist. In a dream Kate MacPherson had, Elizabeth repeatedly told her fiancé in Russian, “I love you,” according to Elizabeth’s father, Russell Targ (Neimark, 2004). Mark was shown the words by Kate, who had no knowledge of Russian but could make out the sounds. Elizabeth spoke such profound things to Mark that Kate could not possibly understand how she could dream about it. It is fascinating how Kate’s mind put words together in a language she did not even understand that made sense. This essentially shows that meaningful coincidences can have power over a human’s life. If taken into account, they can alter a person’s life and perhaps lead to success.


Neimark, J. (2004). The Power of coincidence. Psychology Today. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "“The Power of Coincidence” by Jill Neimark." November 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-power-of-coincidence-by-jill-neimark/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“The Power of Coincidence” by Jill Neimark." November 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-power-of-coincidence-by-jill-neimark/.

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