Armageddon: The Impact of Asteroids on Earth in the Past and Future

The issue of an ancient world is probably one of the most mysterious in the history. It is amazing to think that 65 million years ago there was a different world. There were no humans but flora and fauna were diverse and beautiful. Scientists still argue on the reason of Armageddon which ruined that world. Anyway, it proved the vulnerability and fragility of Earth’s nature against the power of the Universe.

Whatever it was, a giant comet or a huge asteroid, it left little alive inhabitants. The biggest creatures could not survive. Museums of history of nature look like grounds for fiction films. If there were no proofs of the reality of dinosaurs and other creatures due to archeological findings, it would be impossible to believe they existed.

The destructive influence of the event cannot be measured. The supposed size of the object was estimated at ten kilometers in diameter. It is barely possible to imagine what could happen if a similar comet or asteroid appeared today. Even thinking of such possibility brings in an unpleasant cold feeling of fear. Usually smaller natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods are difficult to predict in detail and almost impossible to avoid. Such disasters leave devastated areas and sometimes years are needed to renew the destroyed objects.

Nevertheless, the progress in science leaves some hope for survival in different conditions. Luckily, astronomers do not predict any huge asteroids shortly. The humanity should hope that next time, probably in another 65 million years, when a comet or asteroid approaches Earth, people will be prepared to face the danger and avoid ruin and devastation not to disappear like dinosaurs.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 5). Armageddon: The Impact of Asteroids on Earth in the Past and Future.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Armageddon: The Impact of Asteroids on Earth in the Past and Future." October 5, 2020.

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