Researchers in the field of elderly abuse are yet to achieve consensus and consistency on the issue. This has contributed to challenges in defining elder abuse and measuring it within the population. The lack of consistent research findings has made it difficult to diagnose elder people experiencing abuse and implement necessary interventions. Research on elder abuse has experienced a lack of consensus and consistency which has led to a negative impact on policies, procedures, and services.
Inconsistent research findings about elderly abuse have made it challenging to diagnose the problem in the elderly population. There are no reliable screening instruments that can be used to identify individuals who are experiencing elderly abuse (Naderi et al., 2022). This contributes to cases of abuse not being confirmed or verified thus limiting possible interventions. Older adults who experience abuse end up not receiving much-needed support which can lead to a deteriorated quality of life. Inconsistencies and lack of agreement noted in elderly abuse research have also contributed to inadequate resources being set aside to deal with the problem in society. Lack of consistency and consensus in research on elderly abuse identify varying risk factors which limit the implementation of effective policies.
In conclusion, research on elder abuse has come up with inconsistent findings which make it challenging for effective implementation of possible intervention and support services. Findings from various research studies have come up with different definitions of elderly abuse. This has limited the likelihood of diagnosing individuals experiencing elder abuse within the population. Effective policies aimed at addressing elder abuse cannot be implemented without understanding the risks associated with the problem in society. Adults who suffer from elderly abuse also lack access to support services due to inadequate resources being used to address the issue.
Naderi, Zeinab, et al. “Development and psychometric properties of the hospitalized elder abuse questionnaire (HEAQ): A mixed methods study.” BMC geriatrics 22.1 (2022): 1-15.