The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Dissemination Planning Tool

Nursing scholars who carry out studies on particular subjects wish to achieve a goal that is meant to enhance their service delivery. However, such a goal may not be attained if researchers fail to disseminate their study findings. This study regards research dissemination as a crucial step towards alleviating most of the problems witnessed in the nursing field.

Importance of Research Dissemination

Research dissemination constitutes an important aspect that a researcher needs to consider when planning to carry out a study. It sheds light on the potential impediments to the dissemination process after research has been completed. Indeed, studies are expected to provide evidence-based approaches to solving particular problems, especially in the nursing field. Research is conducted to satisfy a need or help in the establishment of a policy framework to address a problem within the particular population.

Therefore, it is crucial to communicate and/or guarantee the flow of information that emanates from research to population segments, which are likely to benefit from the given study. Failure to disseminate research findings implies that the discoveries made do not influence the nursing practice or inform policy change (Edwards, 2015). Timmins (2015) reveals how scholars have an ethical obligation to ensure timely, effective, and efficient propagation of their study findings. According to the author, research consumes a considerable amount of time and monetary resources whose value must be translated into a positive outcome that can influence nursing policy directives.

Usability of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Dissemination Planning Tool

Scholars need to plan for the research dissemination process. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Dissemination Planning Tool establishes guidelines concerning what a researcher should disseminate. In addition, the tool determines how the disseminated findings apply to end users, including the respective partners. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2014), the tool also establishes the communication plan, the evaluation framework, and the dissemination work plan. In other words, the tool functions like a stage-to-stage guide to successful dissemination.

It eliminates potential drawbacks that are likely to make researchers keep away from disseminating their findings. Nursing researchers should contribute to the improvement of healthcare outcomes, especially the prevention of illnesses. Indeed, the tool is useable since it not only guides but also helps scholars in factoring out processes and research dissemination mechanisms at the initiation phase.

Nurse Researchers

Nurse researchers have an ethical obligation to disseminate their research findings. Nursing studies are meant to inform policy change to enhance service delivery in the field. Nurse researchers’ obligation arises from the fact that nursing explorations seek to solve certain health problems consistent with the goal of ensuring positive health outcomes among individuals, families, and communities. Failure to disseminate research findings implies that the scholars’ efforts did not serve any purpose that could directly influence illness mitigation or disease prevention mechanisms. Hence, by helping end users to apply the formulated research findings, nursing researchers have an ethical obligation to disseminate their final research findings.

What Hinders Nurse Researchers from Disseminating their Research Findings?

In full contemplation of the mentioned ethical obligation and the importance of disseminating research findings, instances of failure to share results have been noted among nurse researchers. For example, despite the extensive commitment of resources, Kinsella, Menge, Anderson, and Spindler (2015) assert that many researchers do not disseminate findings beyond their professional scientific publication agencies.

Indeed, some nursing researchers may be unwilling to disseminate their findings due to reasons, including fear or the underlying uncertainty concerning the adoptability of results into practice. Early critics of research methodologies and the efficacy of research arising from data collection and analysis approaches, including the observation of ethics, may also bar nursing researchers from disseminating their findings.


Failure to share findings renders nursing studies ineffective in the attainment of this noble goal. Where nursing researchers may experience challenges in choosing what to share and/or the appropriate dissemination mechanisms, they may consider utilizing the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Dissemination Planning Tool.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2014). Health care systems for tracking colorectal cancer screening tests. Web.

Edwards, D. (2015). Dissemination of research results: On the path to practice change. The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 68(6), 465-469.

Kinsella, S., Menge, T., Anderson, A., & Spindler, K. (2015). Publication rates of podium versus poster presentations at the American orthopedic society for sports medicine meetings: 2006–2010. American Journal of Sports and Medicine, 43(5), 1255-1259.

Timmins, F. (2015). Disseminating nursing research. Nursing Standard, 29(48), 34-39.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Dissemination Planning Tool." December 11, 2020.

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