The Quality Control Supervisor Job Duties


The Quality Control Department performs secondary supervision of the actions of other personnel. The supervisor’s job is to coordinate checking the work of other departments for compliance with standards. The supervisor is responsible for organizing training sessions to work on errors and improve subsequent results. All this helps maintain and improve the quality of work of all departments, which in turn leads to the company’s growth (Akmal et al., 2022). For a conservative management style, it is vital to provide an environment where all activities will be carried out strictly to avoid a drop in productivity.

Necessity of KSAO

The KSAO (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics) data should be in the employee’s possession before being hired so that when they take on new tasks, they will have an idea of how to fit into the process. KSAOs will be fully revealed as a result of the development of specific transformation and quality improvement process actions (Santos et al., 2021). The professional must nevertheless understand the general principles of the strategy. The organization will train conservative quality control strategies, but the candidate generally has strict skill requirements. The training will be additional building and development of the employee’s capacity rather than full training from the ground up.

KSAO Analysis

The following parameters should be considered as part of this KSAO. Knowledge should include understanding the principles of developing the rules and standards necessary to meet high-quality grades for a product or product. The employee must have a college degree in management and have taken courses related to quality control and production maintenance. Such an employee needs much work with documentation and statistics, and advanced knowledge of cloud storage, computing, and standard Microsoft programs is required. Knowledge must be a significant part of the KSAO – organizational behavior strategies and efficiency in the context of quality are essential elements.

The candidate’s experience for this position should include working with various departments that have improved on feedback from the QA department. The candidate must have a positive experience transforming the organization to a new stage or a different way of doing business (Akmal et al., 2022). It could be an increase in sales due to the selection of a new product standard or the development of an easier way to identify errors. The candidate’s skills consist of analytical and monitoring functions and the ability to assess customer requirements and verify product relevance (Santos et al., 2021). The experience will be on par with knowledge because understanding internal and external quality regulation mechanisms can only be achieved based on developed skills.

Skills and other characteristics play a lesser role, but the candidate needs to keep the management style in mind. A conservative style requires developing standards that do not conflict with the organization’s and its leaders’ values. The employee must be able to justify the relevance of the proposed change and the company’s traditions, as a lack of communication will not achieve employee commitment to the organization (Akmal et al., 2022). There should be a significant amount of time devoted to communication and negotiation. Among the employee’s abilities is the ability to express confidence in the outcome and persuade and earn the trust of both managers and customers. Abilities account for about 10-15% of an employee’s total evaluation; other characteristics (usual resistance to stress) account for the remaining 5-10%.

Time Spending

Most of an employee’s work time will be spent identifying problems in other departments. In particular, it can be an undeveloped system of bonuses and employees’ interest in quality work to improve performance. The manager will spend enough time managing relationships in the department and developing strategies to optimize performance. As a result, staff will gain job satisfaction and will stay for the work for a long time.


Akmal, A., Podgorodnichenko, N., Stokes, T., Foote, J., Greatbanks, R., & Gauld, R. (2022). What makes an effective quality improvement manager? A qualitative study in the New Zealand health system. BMC health services research, 22(1). Web.

Santos, G., Sá, J. C., Félix, M. J., Barreto, L., Carvalho, F., Doiro, M., Zgodavová, K., et al. (2021). New needed quality management skills for quality managers 4.0. Sustainability, 13(11). Web.

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