The Reconstruction Amendments: Abolishing Slavery

The first step taken by the Reconstruction Amendments to protect rights was to abolish slavery and involuntary servitude. Secondly, all people gained the privilege of casting their votes. In addition, the laws guaranteed equal protection to all citizens of the country. White Southerners attempted to maintain supremacy by suggesting limits to the labor opportunities of freedmen. Moreover, the laws prohibited black people from intermarrying with white people. In addition, the white southerners attempted to label freedmen as vagrants and imposed extra fees on them. Some freedmen, notably Jourdan Anderson, responded negatively and expressed the desire not to continue any services.

Susan B. Anthony was arrested for voting in the presidential election of 1872. Her goal and efforts were to equalize women’s voting privileges. Later, her actions of Anthony inspired other women, such as Virginia Manor. She attempted to register her voice under the 14th Amendment, which included all citizens. The actions of Anthony and Manor illustrated the movement for women’s emancipation. By openly expressing their opinions, women emphasized the importance of inclusivity. Their actions influenced later generations, and authorities were prompted to preserve women’s rights.

John Brown used violence because he considered his actions to be justifiable by God. In addition, he believed that providing freedom to enslaved people was only achievable by physical confrontation. The Klan was a response to the end of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. The group attempted to justify its doctrine by stating that its goal is to protect the government, laws, and defenseless people. However, the Klan only promoted terrorism and threatened formerly enslaved people. The government continued targeting Native Americans because of the dominant bias at that time. The authorities believed that the Sioux engaged in massacres and plundering.

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