The Rise in Divorces and Remarriages

In the recent past, issues that families have encountered have been changing throughout time as the nature of their families evolves. Divorce and remarriage bring with them new challenges for individuals. For instance, certain lengthy domestic concerns, including abuse, continue to put a burden on today’s homes’ success and wellbeing. Also, the rise in divorces and remarriages can be associated with many factors, such as financial problems. Individuals who get married without a solid financial foundation are quite likely to get divorced and, in later years, remarry again.

There are various reasons why remarriages end in divorce more often than first marriages. For example, anyone who gets into a second marriage is likely to come with problems of the first marriage. When people remarry, they frequently transfer toxic relationship behaviors as well as mistrust concerns from their previous marriage into the partnership, which can destroy it. Equally, vulnerability is often a critical concern in a new marriage. Failing to share one’s deepest feelings, ideas, and desires may put a relation at threat by removing the connection and trust. Besides, the Ex-Factor is also a major cause of divorce in new marriages. Individuals tend to look for specific qualities before getting married. For instance, one may find it difficult to sustain a new marriage if the personality of the other partner does not match that of the one from the earlier relationship, hence leading to divorce.

Lastly, not being realistic is a major problem for remarried couples. Most people do not acknowledge that their first marriage is no longer a viable and they should not let the previous relationship hurt the new union. Most of the previous behaviors will remain, thus making one’s instinct to leave the new marriage. Similarly, money is always a concern with marriages, due to partner upkeep payments, individuals may end the relationship due to financial strains.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 6). The Rise in Divorces and Remarriages.

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