The Rite of Sun Dance: Ancient Native American Practice

The rite of the Sundance is an ancient Native American practice by the Lakota Sioux. It is a ceremonial dance done during summer at a Sun Dance gathering. The dance is a spiritual and cultural ceremony to strengthen their community and to give thanks to Mother Earth. They believe that to live in harmony with nature, they must give back something valuable to restore the balance.

The purpose of the ceremony is for each member of the community to deepen their understanding of what it means to be part of it. It is crucial because people come together as an organization or tribe. According to the Thereelindian (2013, 12:20), “Sundancer celebrate a way of life that was once considered lost”. Togetherness will help them deal with problems if they occur or disasters when they do happen. The other purpose of this ceremony is to ask the spirits for guidance and help with the welfare and well-being of their community.

Sundancers believe that they should thank their nature, Mother Earth. Thus, animals are sacrificed for the community to have a bountiful harvest or to bring good luck to the crop. This offering is made through prolonged seclusion, during which they will fast completely and during which time they do not eat any food. This is why it involves dancing and singing, but most importantly, it is done through sacrifice that will help them develop a sense of unity.

The central underlying belief of the practice is the unity of the universe. Additionally, an individual can distinguish that there is a firm belief in the power of nature. There are many gifts of nature that one can come across, which include natural medicines, all creative forces, and magic. They believe in the existence of spirits who will watch over them as well as guide them, especially when they ask for support from Mother Earth.

The other belief is that one should learn to live harmoniously with nature without harming any living thing within it. Based on this belief, the main benefit of this festival is to develop a sense of unity between the members of the community. Another one is to unite with the tribe and nature at large and also a find a way to strengthen their bonds as a community. At the same time, it is one way for people to give thanks for all they have by living off natural resources.


Thereelindian (2013). The Sundance Ceremony. YouTube. Web.

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