The Role of PR in Project Success

The stakeholders received the project well due to the propaganda and PR it comprised, especially during its initial stages. The media presented BAM as a nation-unifying concept that would ultimately lead to economic and technological advancements (Ward, 2009). Furthermore, the media portrayal was oriented towards several categories of the population, including the motivated and economically valuable youth. The project became a symbol of change, political and social, a set of new opportunities for everyone. As a result, BAM was eventually well received by stakeholders who found the idea as promising as its PR suggested.

Applying the BAM PR approach to a relatively large, recent project in the US, some aspects would work, but not all. For example, the California High-Speed Rail project so far has proved to be the optimal sustainable transport idea (Lin, 2021). The system requires extensive funding throughout the whole construction process, suggesting the ultimate need for sufficient PR work. Unlike the BAM approach, which was highly dependent on Soviet values, the American media would not prioritize working together for a common goal or any collectivist concept (Gantenbein et al., 2019). On the other hand, an effective strategy would comprise highlighting the value of the project for the youth, as any population understands the importance of future generations.

The mentioned projects require and clearly benefit from PR. Public relations efforts significantly contribute to forming a particular image (Gregory, 2020). Moreover, recent research into the effects of PR on the internal structure of an organization additionally suggests beneficial outcomes (Lemon and Palenchar, 2018). The skills of advertising and promoting a concept adequately allow companies to direct the stakeholders’ attention to the strong points of a project instead of any possible mishaps.

Reference List

Gantenbein, P., Kind, A. and Volonté, C. (2019). ‘Individualism and venture capital: A cross country study’. Management International Review, 59(5), pp.741-777. Web.

Gregory, A. (2020). Planning and managing public relations campaigns: A strategic approach. Kogan Page Publishers.

Lemon, L.L. and Palenchar, M.J. (2018). ‘Public relations and zones of engagement: Employees’ lived experiences and the fundamental nature of employee engagement’. Public Relations Review, 44(1), pp.142-155. Web.

Lin, S.L. (2021). ‘Environmental Risk and Delay Analysis: Lessons Learned from the California High Speed Rail Project’. University of California, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Ward, C.J. (2009). Brezhnev’s Folly: The Building of BAM and Late Soviet Socialism. University of Pittsburgh Press: ProQuest Ebook Central.

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