The Role of Security Interests in High-Risk Lending


In today’s world, extending high-risk credit to individuals or businesses can be a risky endeavor. Lenders need to protect themselves from default or bankruptcy on the part of the debtor. One mechanism that can help in this regard is the establishment of a security interest. This essay will discuss the process of creating a security interest, the reasons for doing so, how security interests facilitate borrowing, and the importance of perfection in connection with security interests.

The Process and Importance of Creating a Security Interest

To create a security interest, the lender and debtor must enter into a written agreement, commonly known as a security agreement. This agreement identifies the collateral that the debtor is offering as security for the debt (Deku et al., 2018). The lender then files a financing statement with the appropriate government agency, such as the Secretary of State’s office, to provide public notice of its security interest in the collateral.

Creating a security interest is essential for lenders, granting them a legal claim to the collateral in case of default or bankruptcy, allowing them to seize and sell it to recover the amount owed. This reduces risk and provides certainty, encouraging lenders to extend high-risk credit.

How Security Interests Facilitate Borrowing

Security interests facilitate businesses in borrowing money by providing lenders with a way to mitigate the risk involved (Saleh et al., 2020). Lenders are more willing to extend credit when they have a security interest in collateral because it increases the chances of recovering their investment in case of default (Saleh et al., 2020). This allows businesses to borrow money and grow their operations.

The Role of Perfection in the Context of Security Interests

Perfection is critical in connection with security interests because it determines the priority of the lender’s claim against other creditors. If a lender fails to perfect its security interest, it may lose its priority position, and other creditors may have a higher claim on the collateral (Deku et al., 2018). Therefore, perfection is essential to ensure the lender’s rights are protected and that they have the best chance of recovering their investment.


Overall, creating a security interest involves entering into a written agreement and filing a financing statement. It is necessary to protect lenders from default or bankruptcy and allows businesses to borrow money by reducing the associated risk. Perfection is critical to determine the priority of the lender’s claim and ensure their rights are protected. Overall, security interests play a crucial role in facilitating lending and protecting both lenders and borrowers.


Deku, S. Y., Kara, A., & Zhou, Y. (2018). Securitization, bank behaviour and financial stability: A systematic review of the recent empirical literature. International Review of Financial Analysis, 61(27). Web.

Saleh, I., Afifa, M. A., & Murray, L. (2020). The effect of credit risk, liquidity risk and bank capital on bank profitability: Evidence from an emerging market. Cogent Economics & Finance, 8(1). Web.

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