The Role of Security Managers in Preventing Workplace and School Violence

The tragic shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, demonstrates school and workplace safety and security significance. Security managers are essential in protecting employees and students from potential threats. They must identify potential threats, provide adequate training, and implement post-incident measures. This post reviews the role of private security, warning signs that a team could have identified before an attack, post-incident measures, the most critical factors in preventing violence, and administrative challenges security managers face.


On February 14, 2018, an act of violence occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Nikolas Cruz, a former student, entered the school and started firing with an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle (Lapcevich et al., 2022). This catastrophic event claimed the lives of 17 people and injured another 17. (Shapiro et al., 2020). This incident sparked a national debate about the need for improved security measures in both schools and workplaces. It is a stark reminder of the importance of safety and security in such settings. The incident has also highlighted the importance of addressing any potential warning signs that existed before the attack and the role of private and public security in preventing similar tragedies.

The Function of Private Security

The role of private security in this incident, as the security manager, would have been to assess security vulnerabilities, identify potential risks, and ensure that security measures are in place to protect the school. Private security could have added another layer of security to the school by monitoring entrances and exits, conducting background checks on visitors, and patrolling the grounds. Furthermore, private security could have been used by the institution to provide additional training to school personnel on recognizing and responding to potential threats and crisis management protocols in an active shooter situation. Private security is typically more proactive than public security, which is more reactive, and thus private security could have contributed to the attack’s prevention.

Warning Signs

There were several indicators that the security team could have avoided this incident. Cruz, for example, had been expelled from school and had a history of threatening behavior. Cruz had also posted numerous images on social media of himself holding firearms and making threats. These indicators should have been identified and reported to the school or law enforcement because they indicate a potential risk the organization should have addressed. Cruz had previously been reported to the police multiple times, yet no action.

Measures Implemented Following the Incident

Following the incident, the school implemented several security measures to increase campus security. Private security installed metal detectors at the school’s entrances to detect weapons and other suspicious items. The security team around the property also installed security cameras and fences to monitor any suspicious activity. The school management hired additional security personnel to ensure the safety of the students and faculty. The school also implemented active shooter drills to prepare students and staff for emergencies. To ensure the safety of students and faculty, the school has enacted a strict “no-tolerance” policy for weapons on school grounds (Prevention Institute, 2022). Anyone discovered with a weapon on school grounds will face disciplinary action. Other safety measures implemented by the school included increased lighting and improved door and window locks. The school has demonstrated commitment safety and security of students and staff by implementing measures. The school always seeks methods to enhance security and provide students with a safe learning environment.

The Most Important Factors in Violence Prevention

Identifying potential risks and providing adequate training are the two most important factors in preventing workplace or school violence. Identifying potential risks entails assessing a school’s security vulnerabilities and implementing preventative measures to avoid potential incidents (Kramen et al., 2019). Conducting background checks on visitors, monitoring entrances and exits, and patrolling the premises, for example, can assist in identifying and preventing potential threats. Furthermore, training employees to recognize and respond to potential threats can help prevent violence before it occurs.

Administrative Difficulties

In workplace or school violence incidents, the two most significant administrative challenges a security manager faces are ensuring compliance with security protocols and adequately training security personnel. Ensuring safety, providing training to respond to threats, and adhering to protocols are all part of security measures (Topa & Karyda, 2019). Furthermore, ensuring that security personnel is adequately trained necessitates providing the necessary training and resources to identify and respond to potential threats and the necessary equipment and resources to respond to incidents effectively.


Security managers have a critical role to play in the prevention of workplace and school violence. It is essential that potential risks are identified and that effective training is provided to security personnel. The institution and staff must follow appropriate security protocols and be adequately trained. After an incident, the organizations must implement post-incident measures to ensure the safety of students and staff in the future. Implementing new security measures and training personnel to recognize and respond to potential threats is necessary to reduce the likelihood of further violent incidents.


Kramen, A. J., Massey, K., & Timm, H. (2019). Guide for preventing and responding to school violence. Diane Publishing Company.

Lapcevich, H., Simon, J., Moreschi, A., Platt, C., & Shaughnessy, J. (2022). Weapons Prohibited. Guns 360: Differing Perspectives and Common-Sense Approaches to Firearms in America, 331.

Prevention Institute. (2022). Gun Violence Must Stop. Here’s What We Can Do to Prevent More Deaths | Prevention Institute. Web.

Shapiro, E., Whitcraft, T., Winsor, M., & Zaki, Z. (2020). Parkland shooting 2 years later: Remembering the 17 victims of the school massacre. ABC. Web.

Topa, I., & Karyda, M. (2019). From theory to practice: guidelines for enhancing information security management. Information & Computer Security.

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