Domestic violence had great implications on the physical and mental health of the victim. There are many attempts that have been put in place to deal with domestic violence. Domestic violence is mainly characterized by aggression towards women even though there are few cases where men are assaulted by the females. There have been some substantial gains that have been achieved through activism. However, the problem has remained prevalent. According to Hanmer and Itzin (2013), a change that will end domestic violence requires a framework that will holistically address the social issues that lead to domestic violence. In the existing studies about domestic violence, feminist contributions have been the definition of domestic violence as a fundamental tool used by men to socially control the women. Also, domestic violence is associated with structure and hierarchy that exist within the family. In the patriarchal; society, men have benefited with the ascribed cultural status; hence, they have abused the privileges by domineering the women through violence. Therefore, there is the need for in-depth examination of the societal set up in order to have a better understanding of why domestic violence has remained prevalent and the measures that can be used to address the problem.
Fundamental Issues of Domestic Violence
Even though researches have pointed to many causes of domestic violence that are mainly social issues, Hanmer and Itzin (2013) noted that the causes have one commonality, i.e., the problem has been normalized in the society. Most of the domestic abusers grew up in families and societies where they experienced violence (Howard & Oram, 2013). As a result, they were accustomed to the fact that emotional and physical violence can be used to solve disputes and cope with their fears.
The long standing gender stereotypes that exist in the society have contributed to the perpetrating the violence. The process has thus become generational as there is no one in the society who has stood against the problem. This has contributed to the normalization of the problem. The other factor that has resulted in the problem being considered as normal is the culture of violence that characterizes the modern society. In the different attainment viewed from TV, there are many violent scenes that make brutality against women to appear normal, for example the sexual violence. The objectification and dominance of women becomes usual.
The problem with domestic violence is that sometimes the victims tend not to disclose their sufferings. This is because the people who are abused depend on the abusers financially. As a result, they feel subjugated, and hence, the common feeling of inability in case they were separated from the abuser, while the oppressor is accustomed to the fact that authorities are not informed. The result is that the domestic violence is left to continue. As the problem continues within the family, a trend is set in which the children witness the violence. Their ability to trust others is undermined and they cannot control emotions due to the image of violence forded in their brains (Howard & Oram, 2013). Therefore, when they are adults, they are likely to continue to practice violence as a way of exerting authorities in their families.
There are many theories that have been used to explain domestic violence, for instance, a general systems theory approach to domestic violence views the problem as a system rather than the cause of an individual make up. Therefore, it is within the systems of the society that violence has been perpetuated. For example, stereotypes which exist within the society that places men as superior to woman create images that reaffirm the practice (Krizsán & Paantjens, 2016). The gender learned roles are also passed through a societal setting that defines what each gender is supposed to do in the family (Hanmer and Itzin, 2013). These roles are culturally ascribed and designed in manner to ensure that men exert power and control over the women. The result is that men use physical abuse to gain dominance in the relationships. Therefore, Hanmer and Itzin (2013) noted that the society has contributed in the processes that normalize the gender violence. Also, the society has neglected its role of redefining values and norms that discourage any kind of violence at the family level. Society has not established alternative
The factors that are associated with domestic violence are engrained within the society and very few relate to the individual. Therefore, the issue of domestic violence can only be solved through measures that address the root causes at societal level. It is the mandate of the society to redefine values and norms of the society and ensure that they are based on equality. This will create a platform on member of society feels lesser being as they will all have equal opportunities. Therefore, therefore, there will be no need for violence to superiority. It is the mandate of society to change the situational and the individual factors that are responsible for domestic violence.
As it has been stated, domestic violence remains one of the most insidious problems in modern society. Worse still, in some communities maintaining social hierarchy, using physical and emotional violence is still regarded as a tradition that should be treated with respect (Grose & Grabe, 2014, p.972). The purpose of the present research is to reveal the primary cause of domestic violence and define which methods would be effective for decreasing the number of cases of domestic violence in the society. The complexity of the problem that the research is supposed to solve lies in several reasons that contribute to its contagion.
The present research is to define origin of domestic violence, and the measures that can be taken in order to lessen the influence of the discovered reason.
Due to the enormous number of the victims of domestic violence, it is absolutely impossible to postpone solving this problem. In order to reveal the primary cause of domestic violence, I conducted thorough analysis of the theories on its roots. As it follows from the analysis, the primary cause of the domestic violence is likely to be connected to specific gender roles that are supposed to define the appropriate behaviour (Sinno, Schuette, & Killen, 2014, p.133). As almost all the cultures proclaim the superiority of men over women, husbands are believed to have an ultimate right to take all the important decisions concerning the family. Such a situation causes overindulgence in men, and they start gaining authority over women using their physical fortitude. Instead of feeling guilty, many abusers claim that they just live in accordance to the rules of their culture or religion (Taylor, 2013, p.420).
Taking the discovered reason into account, I developed a new way to decrease the domestic violence rates in our society. I suggest that nobody can be blamed for being a victim, and this is why it is the abuser who has to reconsider his behavior and look at himself from the outside. Thus, I believe that developing a new method of correctional rehabilitation would be the best solution for the problem. To be more precise, I am convinced that only traumatic experience simulation can make abusers understand the cruelty of their behavior. The method that I suppose to be effective for domestic violence prevention, involves creating a situation where abuser and his victim reverse the roles.
The experiments should be conducted with help of the specialist who will ensure that everything is going according to the plan. The couples have to act out episodes of their life that are the most traumatic for the victim. The abuser is supposed to see himself in his victim, and he has no permission to resist the violence. The method should be applied only after conducting a test that shows that participants have no mental disorders. After the experiment, the couple has to live separate from each other for a week. Then, abuser is supposed to have a conversation with the psychologist. I consider the method of traumatic experience simulation to be the most effective as it is it aimed at making the abuser sober. It will be cheaper to develop and implement this method than the other ones, and it will not require any expensive equipment.
Major steps of implementing the method include conducting a series of experiments to prove its effectiveness, developing the guideline helping to use the method, and creating a training program for the psychologists who would like to use it in their work.
Strengths of the simulation method include repetitive practice, ability to provide feedback, and the ability to present different life scenarios that possess valuable lessons (Lateef, 2010). One of the benefits of traumatic experience simulation is the attitude change that it will create in the individuals who will participate. The situations and experiences used will be fictitious. However, they will be representations of the real-life experiences that victims of domestic violence undergo. The method will replace and amplify real experiences with guided ones in order to present specific scenarios that will cover different aspects of domestic violence (Lateef, 2010).
For instance, aspects of domestic violence such as the physical, mental, and psychological pain will be covered in different simulation exercises (Ross, 2014). The simulation tool will be developed in such a way that abusers will be able to move, do, think, and experience the lives of victims of domestic violence. For instance, the abusers will be introduced to the key concepts related to domestic violence including trauma, depression, anxiety, and mental instability (Ross, 2014). In that regard, they will be presented with situations and experiences that will bring them one-on-one with the pain and trauma that their victims undergo. One of the goals of the proposed solution is to develop empathy in the abusers by helping them understand the level of suffering they inflict on their victims.
This will be achieved by allowing the abusers to go through simulation scenarios and experience all the pain, trauma, and stress of domestic violence. This simulation will give the abusers an opportunity to be in the shoes of their victims and, as a result, judge their actions from a different perspective. The simulation will also equip participants with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will empower them to change their behavior and responses toward their partners. It will supply knowledge regarding the negative effects of violence on the victim, family, and society in general. The simulation will provide an opportunity for participants to learn and re-learn until they acquire positive attitudes that will allow them to see domestic violence from both ethical and legal perspectives (Lateef, 2010). The proposed method will be effective in ending domestic violence because abusers will experience different scenarios for as many times as it will be necessary for them to learn and change.
The method of traumatic experience simulation is supposed to show good results, but in order to start its implementation, there is need to conduct more experiments. I suppose that my solution is going to bring innumerable benefits to the society as it involves active work with the perpetrators and their attitudes towards domestic violence. Companies interested in this method can invest in its development because once completed, the simulation tool will provide great value for the money that they invest. It is supposed to be relatively cheap but their investments are likely to pay off in the long-term. The things that I need to start are the assistance of prominent researchers to conduct additional experiments, a laboratory or house supplied with the necessary video facilities, and unlimited access to the latest psychodiagnosis programs.

Domestic violence has far-reaching implications on the physical, mental, and psychological wellbeing of victims. Therefore, eradicating it from society is of utmost importance. As mentioned earlier, addressing the issue requires an in-depth evaluation of the role played by social factors such as gender, gender roles, and hierarchy in society. The most efficacious solution to end domestic violence is to expose the perpetrators to the mental and physical pain that their victims encounter. Thus, traumatic experience simulation is a method that should be implemented in order to contribute in domestic violence awareness and significantly decrease the number of its victims through active and fruitful work with abusers.
Traumatic experience simulation will be an effective method because of its strengths that include repetitive practice, ability to provide feedback, and the ability to present different life scenarios that possess valuable lessons. The main goal of the method is to change the attitudes of the abusers toward their partners as well as develop a new understanding of domestic violence with regard to its negative effects on victims, families, and the society. Domestic violence should not become more common, and it is the duty of every person in the society to make the efforts in order to prevent its spread. Its effects on families and the society are severe and, therefore, eradicating it is necessary. I strongly believe that this method will show positive results once it is tested thoroughly.
Hanmer, J., & Itzin, C. (2013). Home truths about domestic violence: Feminist influences on policy and practice—a reader. New York, NY: Routledge.
Howard, L. M., & Oram, S. (2013). Domestic violence and perinatal mental disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Med, 10(5), 1-5.
Krizsán, A., & Paantjens, M. (2016). Domestic violence: Who’s problem? The Greek Review of Social Research, 117(117), 63-92.
Grose, R. G., & Grabe, S. (2014). The explanatory role of relationship power and control in domestic violence against women in Nicaragua: A feminist psychology analysis. Violence against women, 20(8), 972-993.
Lateef, F. (2010). Simulation-based learning: Just like the real thing. Journal of Emergencies,
Trauma, and Shock, 3(4), 348-352.
Ross, L. E. (2014). Continuing the war against domestic violence (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Sinno, S., Schuette, C., & Killen, M. (2014). Developmental social cognition about gender roles in the family and societal context. Gender and development, 9(2), 133-154.
Taylor, C. (2013). Infamous men, dangerous individuals, and violence against women. A Companion to Foucault, 1(1), 419-435.