The Russian Revolution in October 1917

The Russia Rebellion of 1917 became one of the most explosive political uprisings of the 19th century. This Revolution was violent, ending the Romanov throne and decades of imperial rule. During this Rebellion, the Bolsheviks, spearheaded by the Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, grasped the power and obliterated Russia’s bizarre ruling tradition. In this video, the Revolution drives the governmental and social upheavals that lead to the foundation of the Soviet Ussr (Mediaclash, 2008). The Revolution in the film induced the Industrial Revolution, resulting in this paradigm shift in governmental and social structure. The Revolution was a bloodless coup that led to the leader of the Revolution, Lenin, calling for a government led by workers, peasants, and a council of soldiers. It, therefore, makes it clear that the Revolution was about change. The Bolvisheks and their allies occupied strategic locations such as government buildings and formed a new government headed by Lenin.

Political parties in Russia by 1917 were the leading organizations. The Revolution was a struggle between the socialist parties and the liberals on one side and moderate socialists and radicals on the other. The Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks, and the social revolutionaries were considered socialists (Russian Revolution, 2022). The liberals were constitutional democrats, while the moderate socialists consisted of centrist socialist revolutionaries, right-wing socialists, revolutionaries, and Mensheviks. Social revolutionaries were engaged in terror and autocracy. Mensheviks were proponents of the socialist Revolution that took place in Russia.

Lenin headed the Bolshevik movement during the Russian Revolt, a communist uprising. Lenin’s personality was a dictatorship, and his political ideologies were founded on dictatorship (Vladimir Lenin, 2020). He rose to power as ruler of the globe’s first communist nation. The article on the remnants of the Russian royal family killed confirms that the Romanov family was killed. This is a confirmation that the Revolution was violent.


Mediaclash. (2008). TheFirstMinutesofOctober[Video]. Youtube. Web.

Vladimir Lenin. (2020) History. Web.

Russian Revolution. (2022). History. Web.

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