The Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls

Understanding the safety of professionals working in hazardous environments is vital for every discipline. The article On the Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls has been informative in understanding how safety protocols work in the mechanical industry. The author, Ralph Barnett, has been objective in implementing a methodology approach that analyzes vital safety hierarchy documents since 1952. I am interested in understanding how safety hierarchies are integrated to protect professionals’ health and well-being working in production sites with different life-threatening operations. This will help understand how to model new business protocols that safeguard both employees and clients from contracting coronavirus.

The article uses a simple classical style of writing with ease of understanding to learned individuals. The author’s information indicates that the practicability of principles and practices describing safety standards in modern firms is questionable. The article notes high numbers of casualties during emergency events that lack relevant and responsive safety protocols. Most importantly, the article identifies faulty practices intended to protect professionals working within a risky vicinity. Ideally, this relates to the ongoing pandemic in which healthcare workers operating in the frontline get exposed to high risks of contracting the virus.

Reading the article feels encouraging and motivating amidst a global situation that requires all community members’ absolute safety. The approach used by the author is informative as it highlights working in dysfunctional practices during emergency cases. The classical style of communication used in the article contributes to the safety knowledge of diverse industries. Moreover, the article uses a modern approach of communicating societies’ transformation through technology innovation. Taking useful notes from different documents analyzed will help model responsive structures and protocols to eliminate health hazards within working environments. The author has been strategic in presenting instrumental information to a big audience irrespective of academic levels.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 27). The Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls.

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StudyCorgi. "The Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls." January 27, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "The Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls." January 27, 2022.

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