The Samsung Firm’s Leadership Failure

Samsung is one of the most reliable companies designing and distributing mobile phones and other devices. Indeed, some cases with devices’ malfunctions might occur due to various reasons involving improper design. Organizations often strive to generate innovative gadgets, forgetting about safety policies. Moreover, in the case of Samsung, the battery was created as “too aggressive,” and it led to fire (Kharpal, 2016, para 1). Considering organizational leadership is crucial, as it manages the process and directs employees. It is essential to examine the case to understand how leadership failure led to multiple incidents.

Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 was recalled because devices caught fire. Apart from technical mistakes, the leadership failure occurred when Samsung ambassadors refused to comment on the situation, which could undermine the confidence and reliability of the company. Some sources suggested that Samsung violated several PR principles involving transparency when it refused to accept misdeeds (Zhang, 2020). It could lead to a severe crisis within Samsung and invoke multiple risks. Moreover, the lack of communication between employees led to adverse effects and provoked massive recalls. Organizations are expected to act clearly and respond to incidents quickly to avoid misunderstandings with customers. Samsung’s leadership failed because of its inability to accept the mistake and come out with some offers on the issue.

Overall, the leadership mistreatment occurred within Samsung in generating and testing the device. The explosion incident finished safely for customers, as devices were quickly recalled. Indeed, Samsung made several crucial leadership mistakes while designing the competitive mobile phone model – the organization could damage its reputation and lower customers’ loyalty. In addition, ignorance of the situation could lead to scandal and get Samsung into trouble, as the organization mistreated PR principles.


Kharpal, A. (2016). Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 phones caught fire because of the ‘aggressive’ battery design: Report. CNBC.

Zhang, W. (2020). Crisis PR study on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explosion incident. International Journal of Business and Management, 15(7), 68–76.

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