The Segment of the Internet of Things


The segment of the Internet of Things has been developing rapidly during the last few years, which is why much of the research has been focused on this particular topic. The article that was selected for the review is “Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities, issues, and Challenges towards a Smart and sustainable future”. It was published in 2020 in the Journal of Cleaner Production, and it provides an overview of recent technological advancements within the IoT realm. The current review will highlight the purpose, prior research, significance, findings, limitations, and future research correlating with the present study and its additions to the pool of knowledge.


The researchers have conducted an analysis of existing technology in various different areas of life. Namely, the purpose of the article was to highlight the current state of IoT technologies, the perspectives related to the domain, and the environmental implications linked to the advancements (Nižetić et al., 2020). Thus, despite the report being based on secondary data, the purpose of the article is to summarize and highlight the current efforts that are being associated with the technological segment of the Internet of Things.

The authors have included a variety of prior studies to support the validity of the claims. Namely, the report is mainly based on the 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, which took place in 2019 (Nižetić et al., 2020). The research and evidence-based reports mentioned during the conference were included in the article in question, which was ultimately applied to reflect on the newest additions to the IoT topic. Additionally, the authors have included various articles published in scholarly journals, such as reports on electric vehicle technologies, sustainability in water filtration through IoT, and Smart Energy Business Models (Nižetić et al., 2020). Thus, it is certain that the content of the report is valid as it is well supported in multiple other scientific texts.

The significance of the article correlates with its design. Namely, it is a report which summarizes essential information gathered from reliable sources. As a result, the reader is able to access scientific data encompassed in one comprehensive research. The importance of the text also correlates with the fact that current literature highlights the lack of knowledge in the IoT segment and related subjects (Rejeb et al., 2022). On the other hand, the article published by Nižetić et al. (2020) adds to the pool of knowledge by encompassing topics such as sustainability, Smart Cities, healthcare, and transportation. Thus, its significance is highlighted in its design and approach.

Several key findings have been highlighted by the authors. Namely, the report links the importance of IoT development and sustainable energy (Nižetić et al., 2020). This can be achieved through monitoring and management techniques to minimize negative impact. Moreover, another finding is linked to IoT’s significance in Smart City development. By applying said technology, the authors mention that collaboration will make the city structures more effective. Last but not least, the finding concerning E-health suggests that the Internet of Things can be applied to facilitate independence and comfort for seniors and people with disabilities.

A limitation of the current research is its reliance on existing literature rather than experimental data. The authors highlight that the content is based on the aforementioned conference and existing literature (Nižetić et al., 2020). Thus, while summarizing existing findings adds to the current literature, new information is not provided. Moreover, the authors have laid a foundation for future research by emphasizing the importance of continuous monitoring of IoT developments in sustainability (Nižetić et al., 2020). It is especially vital due to the fast pace at which the industry is advancing.


The article’s purpose and design are clearly illustrated, and its significance correlates with the importance of the overall topic of IoT advancements. While the authors have been limited by relying on secondary data, the findings suggest opportunities in the fields of sustainable energy, healthcare, and infrastructure. Moreover, future research can depend on the current report as a basis for additional topics to be assessed in the technological realm.


Nižetić, S., Šolić, P., López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza, D., & Patrono, L. (2020). Internet of things (IoT): Opportunities, issues, and challenges towards a smart and sustainable future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 274, 122877. Web.

Rejeb, A., Rejeb, K., Zailani, S. H., & Abdollahi, A. (2022). Knowledge diffusion of the internet of things (IoT): A main path analysis. Wireless Personal Communications, 126(2), 1177–1207. Web.

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